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It is possible (and likely!) that in response to your financial ask during a support meeting, a potential donor will either need time to make a decision or time to get their online giving set up. Below you will find scripts for email and text to help a potential donor get signed up. Feel free to tweak these and make them sound more like you!


On average, it takes a person about seven (7) times to hear a message before they make a decision AND act on it.  We tend to quit too early in our follow-up process because we make assumptions about people. Your job is to provide people with opportunities to get involved in Kingdom work. Keeping track of how many times you've followed up can help someone get to a decision. Acting on that decision takes regular follow-up.  Give them opportunities to share with you if this isn't something they want to be a part of. No guilt conversations are key. As you can see, the need for LOTS of follow-up is normal. It doesn't mean the person is avoiding you. 

How long it will take someone to go through the process of engagement to decision to action depends heavily on how frequently you follow up. So, unless you want this to drag on forever, follow up frequently. 


"Hi <insert their name>! Thank you again so much for meeting with me yesterday/earlier this week/insert day. I appreciated having the time to share with you about what God is doing at <church/ministry>. After our meeting, you let me know that you'd need some time to make a decision. I am following up to see if you've been able to decide about financially supporting the work I will be doing with <church/ministry>. Have you had a chance to make a decision?

If they say yes, they've made a decision with a specific dollar amount, yay! Move on to the next text.

If they say they need more time: "No problem! I totally understand how busy life can get. Today is <day of the week>. I'll check in again on <insert whatever the day after tomorrow is>. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions I can answer to help you make a decision!

If they say they are unable to give financially: "Thank you so much for letting me know. More than financial giving, I need people praying for me and the ministry, so I would love it if you would keep us in your prayers. Getting fully funded is going to take meeting with a lot of people. Who do you know who has a heart for this kind of ministry?

They've said yes and have an amount:

"Thank you so much for making the decision to financially support this ministry! Signing up online with Reliant is easy and the fastest, most reliable way to get giving started. It's secure, and you can start, stop, or change your giving at any time. You can even do it from your phone right now! All you're going to do is head to <insert your giving page link> and click the green "Give Now" button. Then you will either select or type in your giving amount and when you would like it to start. You will then create an account. This makes it easy to change your giving if you ever need to. Once you're logged in, you'll enter your payment details and once again click the green "Give Now" button. And you're done! If the site gives you any problems, I am happy to help. Please let me know once you've done this so I can double-check on my side that it went through. Again, <insert name>, thank you so much for desiring to be a part of the team. I’m so excited to be partnered with you.


Hi <insert their name>! Thank you again so much for meeting with me yesterday/earlier this week/insert day. I appreciated having the time to share with you about what God is doing at <church/ministry>. After our meeting, you let me know that you'd need some time to make a decision. I am following up to see if you've been able to decide about financially supporting the work I will be doing with <church/ministry>. I have included below instructions for getting signed up online if you would like to financially support my team.

Signing up online with Reliant is easy and the fastest, most reliable way to get giving started. It's secure, and you can start, stop, or change your giving at any time. You can sign up on your computer, phone, or tablet. All you're going to do is head to <insert your giving page link> and click the green "Give Now" button. Then you will either select or type in your giving amount and when you would like it to start. You will then create an account. This makes it easy to change your giving if you ever need to. Once you're logged in, you'll enter your payment details and once again click the green "Give Now" button. And you're done! If the site gives you any problems, I am happy to help. Please let me know once you've done this so I can double-check on my side that it went through.

Today is <day of the week>. I'll check in again on <insert whatever the day after tomorrow is> if I haven't heard from you by then.

Again, <insert name>, thank you so much for desiring to be a part of the team, whether it be financially, prayerfully, or by sharing your community with me. I’m so excited to be partnered with you.


Hi <insert their name>! This is <your name>. I am following up to see if you have had time to pray/had a chance to check your budget/talk to your spouse about financially supporting my ministry team.

Wait for Response

They say yes, they want to give and are ready with an amount: "Thank you so much for making the decision to financially support this ministry! Signing up online with Reliant is easy and the fastest, most reliable way to get giving started. It's secure, and you can start, stop, or change your giving at any time. I can even walk you through the process right now if you have a few minutes! All you're going to do is head to <give your giving page link> and click the green "Give Now" button. Then you will either select or type in your giving amount and when you would like it to start. You will then create an account. This makes it easy to change your giving if you ever need to. Once you're logged in, you'll enter your payment details and once again click the green "Give Now" button. And you're done! Again, <insert name>, thank you so much for desiring to be a part of the team. I’m so excited to be partnered with you.

If they say they need more time: "No problem! I totally understand how busy life can get. Today is <day of the week>. I'll check in again on <insert whatever the day after tomorrow is>. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions I can answer to help you make a decision!

If they say they are unable to give financially: "Thank you so much for letting me know. More than financial giving, I need people praying for me and the ministry, so I would love it if you would keep us in your prayers. Getting fully funded is going to take meeting with a lot of people. Who do you know who has a heart for this kind of ministry?

They don't answer: Hi <insert their name>! This is <your name>. I am following up to see if you have had time to pray/had a chance to check your budget/talk to your spouse about financially supporting my ministry team. Please give me a call or shoot me a text when you have a minute. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow, I'll give you a call back the next day. Have a great day!