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Below is a sample outline of a Standard of Performance.

Please send a copy of the completed Standard of Performance to your Program Team for review before giving it to the employee.

Your Program Team can also help you with any questions you may have.

A statement or paragraph describing the current situation - Use as objective language as possible. If any policies or the Code of Conduct (Reliant’s or the churches) have been violated, briefly describe what has been violated and how. Keep the description to things that were either in the employee's control or that the employee’s behaviors directly impacted.

The Vision that ministry leadership has for the plan - Example language may include “the goal of this plan is for you to understand better how your communication and actions impact X, Y, and Z, and to apply learned skills to A, B, or C.”

The actual plan - Include any Required Practices that you have. This might include regular counseling and/or coaching by an internal person or an external party, assigned readings, writing assignments (perhaps reflections on readings), routine check-ins with the Supervisor or Leaders, etc. Also, if applicable, include what behavior should stop or change.

Monitoring plan - Describe how you will monitor the plan. For example, someone will meet with the employee weekly, monthly, or at whatever frequency makes sense.

Review and completion - Include the length of the plan (3 months, 6 months, etc.) and what will happen at the completion. For the Completion section, you may state something like this:

This Action Plan will be reviewed on or around MM/DD/YYYY. At that time, Ministry Leadership and your supervisor will determine a next step, which could include but is not limited to,

  • Continuation. Maintain the current Standard of Performance until completion.
  • Modification. A modified Standard of Performance is needed.
  • Final warning. Some or all requirements have not been met, or have not been deemed to be productive to a sufficient level, and additional steps are needed.
  • Termination of employment. Requirements are not met, or have not been deemed to be productive to a sufficient level, making continued employment untenable.

Acknowledgment section - At the end, provide a place where the employee can add any comment. Have the employee and supervisor/leader sign the Standard of Performance indicating that they acknowledge the receipt of the Standard of Performance.

Make sure you add a copy of the Standard of Performance to your employee's local Personnel File. Also, send a copy of the signed Standard of Performance to your Program Team at Reliant.

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  1. Julie Thomas - Will try to look at this on Friday.

    Will Lafferty - A missionary just asked about this page, even though it is in draft mode. I went incognito and saw that the page shows up but says it is not ready. I thought in draft it would not show up at all. Am I off about that?

    1. I think I had assumed the same thing, though I guess it makes sense, since the page does exist, they just don't have permission to see it.  In the documentation for the software that runs Solomon I found this:

      So... I'm going to assume that this is "normal" and just the way it is.  If we really don't want anonymous users/field staff to see the page at all then we need to add restrictions until it is ready to go live.

      1. Thanks, Will. I'll see if I can restrict it.

  2. Thanks Julie Thomas and Will Lafferty - that worked!

    That might be a good "Reliant tip" for a staff meeting (smile)

  3. Joshua Dull Mike Swann CJ White Mike Easton - I know that some of your partner ministries may have a template that they use for Action Plans or Standards of Performance. However, I put together a sample one that Supervisors/Leaders can refer to if it is helpful to them. Let me know if you have questions or have suggested edits.

  4. Hey Julie Thomas - this look great.

    CJ White  Joshua Dull  and Mike Easton - The last macro talks about sharing this with your program team. I wonder if this should be program team leader or hr@reliant.org. We may have some of these that sending to a liaison or a generic team address doesn't make sense due to the content. Thoughts?