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Possible topics while in Initial MTD

  • Envision supporters for the ministry you will be doing upon release from initial MTD. Plan to include different sections from your MTD presentation within your letters over the next 6 months. 
  • Share what God is currently doing in your life and what He's teaching you in this season. This is valuable as it helps your new supporters get to know you better and can also be a way of discipling your donors. 
  • Share what is currently happening in the field. (Hint: Subscribe to your teammates' prayer letters. This gives you stories and pictures from the field that you can use in your letter.) Even though you're not yet in the field, you're still able to show supporters what’s going on in the world of those you will be ministering among. 

Other tips

  • Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Less words, more pictures. 
  • Include smiling faces of you and others heading to the field.

Email example


Like how the Reedys write? Want to hear more?

Check out the archive of their prayer letters. They've added a new side-bar to their letters with answered prayer that I particularly like. 

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