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Purpose of this call:

  • Set up goals/standards for the first month
    *** Keep the goal numbers from the MTD Goal Worksheet in mind while making goals for the month***
  • Discover how many hours a week they have available for MTD. 
  • Talk through some time obligations the residents might have (ex. School, work, ministry responsibilities)

Prepping for the Call (15-30 minutes before the call):

  • Become familiar with the agenda below.

  • Review the MTD Activity Tracking (Toolbox) and PMR and note any questions you might have.

  • Check Toolbox for new giving that has come in for your resident.

  • Open up the MTD Goal Setting Worksheet that your resident shared with you and update the worksheet by doing the following:

    • Changing “today’s date” at the top of the page.

    • Update the gift total by going to “current gift total” and putting in the total dollar amount. Review the updated worksheet and take a look at the weekly goals section and be ready to talk about this with your resident.

  • Know how many weekly hours it will traditionally take for your resident to complete the weekly goals that are in the goal setting worksheet you just updated.

  • Take a moment to review any notes you made from last week’s call and make notes to prep for this call.

  • Pray!


Agenda—Goal Setting and Performance Standards:

Small Talk

  • See how things are going, how is work? how is family? Etc.

  • Ask them to pray to start the coaching call

Review of the Week (PMR/Activity Tracking)

  • Start by praising them for any accomplishments they wrote about on the PMR

  • Ask how the first full week of MTD went and see how they are doing. Give some time for any initial questions, thoughts, or concerns they might bring up from the first week.

  • Note anything of significance from the PMR and discuss it with them if needed.

  • Take a look at the Activity Tracking and note any questions or concerns you might have from their numbers for the week, were they very low in some categories? Why? This is your opportunity to review numbers with them.

Make a plan for the next month

  • Intro the idea of planning the work and then working the plan.

  • Organization for “making a plan”

    • What are you using to keep track of MTD and how are you using it?

    • How are you leveraging your database to help plan the work/ work the plan. 

  • Establishing a “Plan”—Making Goals and Setting Standards for the Month

    • Stress the importance of making a plan for the month and then how you will coach them through that to work the plan.

    • Get an idea of their current commitments.

      • Ask them to give you their current weekly commitments. How many hours a week they give to school, work, ministry, and any other responsibilities they might have.

      • Ask how many of those are flexible, things they can step down from

      • Ask how many hours a week they can give to MTD the next month.

  • Set goals/standards

    • Ask them to open up the goal setting worksheet and be sure you are both looking at the same document.

    • Explain the changes you made to reflect the date and current giving totals.

    • Now go down to weekly goals and have them take a look at those goals/standards. This is what they will need to accomplish weekly in order to meet their goal.

    • Let them know that in the first month, you will NOT be as focused on dollars or percentages, but rather the weekly tasks that are in their control. This will help them establish a rhythm and be faithful to the tasks that lead to fruitful MTD.

    • Based on their hours available and their support goal weekly goals, set weekly standards for the month.

    • Push them here and set high goals.
      ***It would not be wise to set standards that are too far under their weekly standards that are listed in their support goal.

    • Keep in mind that their contacts are total contacts. This is not the number of new contacts each week.

  • Review the weekly goals and standards for the month for connection attempts, responses, appointments, new partners, and contacts.

  • Agree upon those goals/standards

  • Remind them that they will need to fill out their MTD Activity Tracking and PMR every week.

  • End by encouraging them and reminding them that MTD is ministry and the goals/standards that you set will be faithfulness to the Lord in this season for them. Let them know it is possible, to work the plan and meet their goals.

    • Consider using the analogy of a farmer: a farmer does the work, but only God can provide the rain. So they will focus on the work and they will work hard, and we will beg the Lord for rain.

  • End with Prayer!

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