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Test Cat is Closed

Preview.reliant.org has been replaced by Reliant.org and Test Cat is no longer available. All gifts on Reliant.org are real and will charge credit cards or bank accounts.

However, the screenshots below will show you snapshots of how a gift works. 



Learn how our new site works for giving. 



Your giving profile is the center of the new Reliant.org, and it's designed to take quite a few complicated options and still make it easy to use. 

However, we know sometimes financial partners can still use a little coaching, and it's important that you learn how to use the site so you can assist.

Test Cat is your answer. Test Cat is our specially configured "missionary" profile that lets you give test gifts.


Transactions with Test Cat are NOT REAL

All gifts given to Test Cat are fake. Credit cards or bank accounts will not be charged, even if you use your real credit card number or bank account.

Complete your gift with Test Cat and find it on your Giving Dashboard and even see a receipt.

Gifts to Test Cat are not tax deductible. Come on.

But remember:

Transactions elsewhere on preview.reliant.org are REAL

Gifts to missionary or ministry accounts on preview.reliant.org are real transactions. Credit cards or bank accounts will be charged. We encourage our missionaries who want to give a real gift to do it, but for those that can't, Test Cat is here to help.


View Test Cat's Profile

Walk-Thru a Fake Gift to Test Cat

Find Test Cat

Search for Test Cat in the Missionary Search.

Or jump straight to preview.reliant.org/test.cat

Read Cat's Story

God's done some amazing stuff in the life of this little kitty.

Choose Give Now


Select an amount, frequency, and start date.

The quick-give panel slides open.

This panel is fast but also lets a financial partner explore options without having to commit right away.

Suggested amounts change based on Recurring or One-Time (special) gift.

Choose Frequency

Monthly Giving is the default, since this is what we encourage our financial partners to choose.

Choose Start Date

The smart calendar already has the next available transaction date, or as you move forward, highlights upcoming start dates.

Use the "Select Next Available Date" button to return.


Complete Your Gift

The Complete Your Gift flow walks us through the steps to complete the gift.


Step One: Verify Gift

Double check and then choose Verify to lock it in.

Satisfying green box confirms the gift.


Step Two: Login or Create an Account

We can't create a donor record without knowing who is giving.  Yet this is purposely placed after someone has selected their missionary / ministry fund and indicated their gift, start date, and frequency, which makes it more likely someone will complete the gift.

Returning financial partners can login. We know many partners only visit our site occasionally, so it's easy to retrieve a forgotten name or password.

New financial partners will use Create an Account.  


For existing check or old lifelink donors without a web account

"New to the website (but not to Reliant?): We can help you find your existing donor records." 

Every paper receipt has an Account Number on it.


Logged in users get another satisfying green box.

Step Three: Enter Payment Details

Use a stored payment method or add a new payment

Bank Account

With nifty little graphic to highlight routing number. This is our default option since it avoids credit card fees.

Credit Card

Will automatically detect type of card as the number is typed.

Check Gift

Yes, financial partners can indicate they will give checks via the website. We wish they would just go ahead and give the gift, but here we are.

Check Number?

What's that check number (optional) thing? This is us helping partners to send their gift soon! We want to encourage the partner to pull out their checkbook right then and there, so it's more likely that the check will go in the the mail the same day. 

But honestly? Gift Services won't be watching for it—if we receive a check with a different number we'll still take the gift!



Final Step: Give Now

Give Now to finish the gift!


Confirmation Screen




Check Donor Final Step: Print Your Mailing Slip

This feature is new and nifty. We provide a quick printable slip immediately for a check donor—it automatically adds your fund number and reminds them of the address. They print it and slip it in with their gift. Faster gifts, and less mistakes with gifts matched to the wrong account because of bad financial partner handwriting.


Few More Things


Will these gifts appear on my account forever?

No, we'll go through and erase them. They'll remain for a few weeks while you test things.


What do I do if I hit an error screen or something goes buggy?

Let us know!  Use the yellow button to report a bug from the screen you're on. It'll send our web team a screenshot and you can tell us any details that will help us make sure that bug is investigated and squashed. Squished?


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