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Paychecks are issued once a month. Reliant pays employees for their previous month's salary/hours worked on or around the 15th day of the following month. If the 15th day of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday, paychecks are normally deposited or mailed on the workday closest to, and prior to the 15th day of the month. The amount employees receive via direct deposit will be their net wages, after deducting taxes and other applicable deductions such as cafeteria plan elections, retirement contributions, etc. 

Missionaries' balance available for payroll is determined by using the ending balance in the MTD account from the previous month. For example, December 15th's paycheck is paid with funds that have come into the MTD account up through November 30th (minus applicable admin fees).

Reliant reserves funds for Employer Fica taxes (employer Medicare and Social Security taxes) and 401K match from the available amount in the MTD account when determining the amount available for payroll. 

If the MTD account does not have sufficient funds to cover the employee's full paycheck, the missionary will receive a shortcheck. For more information on shortcheck and backpay - see Backpay.

In most cases payroll is paid via Direct Deposit. For employees that have not opted to be paid via direct deposit, paychecks are mailed on or before the 15th day of the month. Paychecks are mailed to the last address on record with Reliant. Employees bear full responsibility to ensure that the address on file with Reliant is current and accurate.


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