Collections Procedures
Program Directors will decide how many payments, how much will be due, and when to schedule payments before the program begins on the Event Set Up form. These dates and payment fees will then determine the balances due on under each participant. The event finance administrator will be able to export data from to know what participant has made payment and who still owes their event fees. (See Event Registration Site Instructions) Only authorized missionaries, that are familiar with the Collections Policies and Procedures should handle the collection of any monies. The Program Director and the person delegated responsibility as Event Finance Administrator (in the Event Set Up document) are ultimately responsible for ensuring these policies and procedures are followed.
Payments by the Participants
These instructions are given to the participant in their acceptance email:
- Event fees are paid on the online payment site and calculated on the date they are paid (not the date they being filling out their application). Fees that change amounts on specific dates will change to the next fee amount at midnight eastern standard time on the day written on the event set up form.
- Participants can not make payments for their fees until they have been accepted into the program. In order for your participant to be accepted and able to make a payment or to participate in any event activities your participant will need to have already completed the medical and liability forms.
- Any changes to specific participant fees (ex. refunds, adding late fees, etc.) can only be approved by the director or finance administrator.
See also: Overpayments/Unpaid Fees for Events with Fees
1 Comment
Sarah Swann Thanks!