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Standard Name:Administrative Fee
Scope:All Reliant Employees & Associates
Revision Date:September 14, 2018
Last Review Date:April 26, 2023

This page is dedicated to the administrative fees (assessments) charged to Reliant employee accounts. Below are listed our typical administrative assessments during various phases of employment with Reliant.

Initial MTD

Before employee reaches 100% current

12% applied to general gifts

3% applied to Sponsor Church

Sustaining MTD

After employee reaches 100% of initial goal

(aka Released to Assignment)

12% applied to general gifts

3% applied to Sponsor Church 

A minimum admin fee or flat admin fee will be applied when admin charge from gifts drops below minimum, based on their hours of work.


Typically 2-6 months

10% applied to all gifts

No Sponsor Church 

No minimum admin fee since support is often raised in advance of hiring

Long-Term Interns (Residents)

Typically 9 months - 2 years

10% applied to all gifts

No Sponsor Church 

No minimum admin fee since support is often raised in advance of hiring

Associate Staff 

Non-employed official volunteers

12% applied to all gifts

No minimum admin fee and no Sponsor Church 

Minimum Admin Fees and Flat Admin Fees 

Minimum Admin Fees (Assessments)

If the overall administrative total is less than the amounts below, Reliant will charge a set Minimum Administrative Fee to the MTD account each month.  

Minimum Admin Fee (Assessment)Calculated in any month there are gifts below the minimum, including months with no new gifts.
$250Full Time 40 hrs/week
$250Part Time 30 hrs/week
$200Part Time 20 and 25 hrs/week
$250Couple - combined hours equal 40
Flat Admin Fees (Assessments)

Flat Administrative Assessments are established for Reliant employees who are funded by a single donor, typically the sending church. Typically they correspond with the minimum admin assessment, but they are worked out on a case-by-case basis with the church. 


  1. Tom MaurielloDave Meldrum-Green and Sarah Swann here is my first pass at an Admin Fee page for the Field Manual.

  2. Barb Seckleruser-abbc8 and Kathy Zellinger may want to look this over as well

  3. Good work, Mike. Before I suggest any edits...I want to make sure we're sticking with the term Administrative Fees vs. Administrative Assessments.  I know that we used Assessments a while back. Tom can you speak into this more?

  4. I like using assessments for technical writing and for the board in particular.  Technically fees would imply income we are making or charging, where these are technically internal assessments.  However, if field staff are trying to find information they will for sure search for the word fees.  Maybe we could explain that briefly at the top so we can start using the word more broadly and then edit and internal heading like "Minimum Admin Fees & Flat Admin Fees" to just say "Minimum and Fixed Assessments" or something like that. 

    1. I do like moving away from the word "fees" since even though it's popular in our deputized fundraising ministry culture...in connotes a negativity associated with it. Since no one like paying fees. So I like the movement to "Minimum and Fixed Assessments". But I would prefer that we still add the word "Administrative" in front of Assessments. Since that help contextualize the noun Assessment in way that our staff could possibly understand better. 

  5. I like the movement to Assessment as well, though we do use assessment for the whole process of interviewing, etc. (e.g. Assessment Hub) Tom, are you saying start with it saying fees for now and then slowly change it over time?

  6. yes, the page title should still say administrative fees for now due to search, but start to embed it more in the content.

  7. I embedded the "assessment" wording into the document. Please review....it's basically "co-branded" with fees.