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This page contains "Residency Stater Templates" for ministries within the Collegiate Program Team. If you're visiting this page, it is likely that you and your leadership team are interested in starting a residency program. You may be starting with one person, a cohort of residents, or you may just be starting the ideation process. As your first step, we would ask that you reach out to collegiate.program@reliant.org to let us know about your intentions to implement a residency program, and we can walk you through some handholds and offer suggestions. These three documents will provide you with some documentation as you're creating your program, and we hope they are super helpful!

Please note: All of these documents will require heavy editing and customization to fit your church's specific culture and needs.

Residency Orientation Guide

This document is an orientation guide, which can be used at your kickoff meeting for any given year's residency group. This document will provide a high-level overview of the program and can help with casting vision for the residency. 

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Reliant Employee Parameters Guide

This document is an employee parameters guide and can also be shared at your kickoff meeting for any given year's residency group. This document provides some of the details and nuances of their employment with Reliant and MTD. 

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Sample Management Schedule

This file is an internal document that you can utilize with your residents on an individual basis. It provides a semester-long schedule, which can be a super helpful handhold for the residents, and helps them hook into the vision of what they'll be doing for the semester. It also gives you concrete things to discuss during your weekly management times.

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  1. Hi Matt Elkins Jenni Saniukand Joshua Dull

    Mike and I have been working on making some residency starter templates, specifically for the "Collegiate Program Team" that we are hoping to have in the Field Manual.

    Would this be an okay place on the FM to nest our page?

    Thanks for letting us know,

    Russ & Mike Swann

    1. This feels like a good place to me. 

    2. Yep, looks like a good place to me as well!