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Goals: Determine how confident and/or convinced the candidate is about going into vocational ministry. How long have they been thinking about it? Are they able to articulate why they feel this is the direction God is leading them?
The second goal is to get a sense of how convinced they are that support-based vocational ministry is the way they are feeling led. Can they express how they feel God can use this process even if they are anxious about it? Was this a "last resort"?


  • Has been thinking about support-based vocational ministry for a year or more
  • Confirms two or more wise Biblical approaches to discerning God's will: (e.g. general obedience to Great Commission, prayer, specific word of direction from the Spirit, word or direction from Scriptures, counsel from pastors or spiritual leaders, community discernment, apparent spiritual gifts and visible ministry effects)
  • Is able to articulate why they feel this is the direction they are wanting to go


  • Has considered vocational ministry only 3-6 months
  • Has considered raising financial support less than 3 months (though has felt called to vocational ministry for longer)
  • Isn't able to articulate why they are wanting to do vocational ministry — may seem "wishy washy." 
  • Hasn't discussed it with anyone or received counsel of any kind


  • Reports coercion or strong outside influence on applying for staff that conflicts their own desires.
    • Recommend deferral of 6 months or until sense of coercion conflict resolved
  • Reports no sense of call to vocational ministry. Seems to be doing this for some other reason.
    • Recommend ministry internship or deferral of 6 months or until a clearer sense of call
  • Has considered vocational ministry for less than 3 months.
    • Recommend ministry internship or deferral to allow for 6 months total sense of calling
  • Church Planter: has considered church planting for less than 6 months


  • Strength of calling into ministry is crucial to begin the "marathon" journey of fundraising. Because of the MTD aspect, a ministry role hired by Reliant cannot simply be "tried out" for a few months like a typical paid job. This would hurt the reputation of Reliant and the local church.
  • Some basic fear about MTD is normal and is not a yellow flag. Some fear that this is the wrong thing to do is a yellow flag if it is beyond appropriate humility in hearing God's voice.
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