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As of January, 2024 MPDx will no longer be available to Reliant staff. 

"You manage what you monitor, so find a way to monitor what matters." - Gretchen Rubin

Getting Started

  1. Read Getting Started on MPDx. This is Reliant's technical page on how to integrate Reliant data into your MPDx account.    

  2. Download the MPDx app. It will enable you to open the dashboard from your phone, click a name and have the app dial for you. Use this to increase call volume.  Same with texting and email...they all sync on a mobile device.  Less typing, more connection attempts.

  3. Utilize the MPDx Helpdesk: If you have questions about MPDX, their help desk is great, and the chat is usually timely in response. Their tutorials are also very helpful. 

Sorting data

See ALL Contacts at Once

Select these statuses: All active & None & Hidden

Label Each Contact with a Tag

Contact Flow-Creating a similar system through MPDX
-tagging everything

Custom tags for Initial MTD: 
• Appointment - financial ask
• Call Back-decision
• Names-asking for referrals
• Circle back Referral-going back to share
• Better Ask - did not give you a referral the first time and asking again
• Referral- someone who has been referred to us
• Giving- Getting them signed up online/checking on donation
• Thank
• Show
• Prayer

Some have found that exporting mailing lists (and even printing them) after an MPDX sort can also be very helpful in creating call lists. 



  • MTD is a flurry of information.  The dashboard organizes who we're supposed to call, who we've already texted, who hasn't responded to an email, who's fallen off in giving, etc.  A productive day will come from using the dashboard because it runs alongside us.  The secret is populating the "next action" window on each task. 

Use Tags within Tasks

  • Helpful when: 
    • A husband/wife team is working together and needs to assign tasks to each other (or volley them back and forth). 
    • You want to sort tasks in order to batch the work (i.e. make all your follow-up calls at the same time or write all your thank-you notes at the same time). 
  • Click a tag to display all tasks that have that tag:

Receive Text Reminders

  • MPDx has a setting that will remind you of a task on its due date. You can get reminders by text message, by email, or both.
    • Helpful when:
      • You need to be reminded to call someone on a certain date. Pro tip: Download the MPDx app on your phone. Then link your contact to the task. When the text message reminder comes through, all you have to do is click on it. It will take you to the task, which is linked to the contact. One more click, and it's dialing the phone for you. Easy peasy! One Reliant field worker in a season of focusing on MTD, decided to "stop, drop and call" any time a reminder text came through. This ensured the task got completed and helped him schedule reminders for times he's usually available to make calls.


Unlike Toolbox (as of 1/2023), MPDx will notify you of changes in donor giving. Here's how to make that work well for you:

Sync Data

Sync your Reliant giving data between the 1st-4th of every month (This 1st-4th timing hits after the 20th auto-draft and before the 5th, giving you a clean month of numbers). Once the sync is complete, MPDx will alert you if there's a change in giving or a change of address or email. When there's any kind of change in giving, reach out right away with a thank you or a call to see if they're ok. OLD - Non-Current Donors, Calling can also be a helpful resource. 

Set Commitment Levels

Donor Commitment Levels tell MPDx how much a donor has committed to giving and at what frequency. You will need to manually set these up in MPDx. If you haven't ever set donor commitment levels in MPDx, go to Import/ Tools/ Fix Commitment/ InfoConsider this a great time to see what people are giving and if it might be a good year for them to get an The Invitation to Increase from you. 

Integration With Other Apps

MPDX can connect with many other external applications. Here are tutorials on how to connect with some of the most popular: 

Coaching Link

Share as much or as little of my MPDx data directly with your MTD coach through a live link. 

What Reliant Staff Say About MPDx

  • MTD is about gathering support, but it's also about taking care of the people once they're on the team.  MPDx helps me take care of the team by reminding me of anniversaries and birthdays, how long it's been since I called someone, giving history, if they missed a month of giving, notes from our last conversation, family ties, congregational affiliations, who referred me to them and how closely they live near other partners in the state/country.  I won't remember details like that, but they're in one place, so I don't have to.

  • No labels


  1. What does MPDx use as the identifyer for the download for Reliant? 

  2. This page was checked and revised for the 2023 Language Change Project on 6/26/23 -A.R.