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If a participant is receiving a conditional acceptance email it means we have given them conditions to uphold in order for them to be accepted and remain at the program.  The heart behind what we are trying to accomplish is that students would have a better summer because of the conditions that have been put in place to help and protect them.

SEE ALSO Dismissal of a Program Participant

SEE ALSO Not Accepted for the Program/Event


  • For those struggling with substance abuse or sexual activity the typical condition is that they refrain from doing that from now up until and during the program.
  • The most common condition is to also ask them to meet with a staff member bi-weekly during the summer to help keep them accountable and to follow up with how they are doing. 
  • For those struggling with emotional issues or self-harm there may be additional steps taken prior to acceptance such as asking a counselor's opinion or having them continue counseling over the summer.  


Typically for anyone struggling with suicidal concerns we will request a counselor's current assessment (we can't ask them for a recommendation due to the liability it would cause them, but we find out their current assessment of the individual- do they think they are currently emotionally stable, etc.) before acceptance. See Counseling for Event Acceptance for details on that condition for acceptance.

For those participants that have severe emotional struggles we also suggest that a follow up takes place with the participant (preferable around 2 weeks before the event) to confirm that their condition has not negatively changed and to receive any updates to help us prepare to care for the participant better during the program. 

After a participant with a concern of suicidal thoughts is accepted into the program, these conditions below are for the event director to follow. These are Reliant's normal protocol for suicidal concerns once the participant has been accepted. 

  • Fill out a safety plan with the participant and share a copy with the participant, the event directors, if they have a program leader accountability they will be meeting with other than a director, and Reliant to have on file. 
  • Arrange weekly meetings with a program leader that is a mature, seasoned leader who has had experience with suicidal discussions. Make sure the leader knows who to contact and what questions to ask if the concern heightens. 
  • Have that leader meeting with the participant update a document (typically called shepherding google document) with details from the weekly discussions (or they can update the event director who can then update the document) that is shared with the event leaders and Reliant. We want to have everything in writing to show that we have done our due diligence in caring for this individual appropriately. 
  • Request that they meet with a counselor on site at the program if at all possible. 

Safety Plan



For those participants that have received a conditional email, typically that email has conditions that need to be followed (for example: meeting with a staff accountability during the event to see if conditions are being followed) so follow up will be required after acceptance and even during the program. 

There is typically a time gap between when the application is read/acceptance occurs and when the program actually begins. Our recommendation is to have the staff member chosen for follow-up and accountability during the program to follow up with the conditionally accepted participants prior to the arrival at the program to say here is how you answered the questions on your application a few months ago, where are you now in the process and how would you answer these questions today? This gives up-to-date accurate knowledge of how they are currently doing before they arrive at the program and gives the director one last opportunity to decide if its still the best idea for them to come to the program based on how they are doing now. We would like this conversation to be documented in the individual's shepherding google doc as a base to know how they are doing at the very start of the program. 

Reliant will create a Google Sheet for shepherding each concerned participant (separate for each program) that lists the name of the participant that has been conditionally accepted. Each sheet will be specific to the individual and will be shared with the local directors, as well as the staff member overseeing them.

Updates with dates and details will need to be made to monitor progress and continued issues throughout the summer. This helps us with liability (keeping a trail of notes with dates and conditions) as well as proving that we have done our due diligence with concerns that we have been made aware of, along with keeping it consistent with conditions and how to follow up with those conditions throughout all of the events.  If a new issue arises that was not on the original acceptance, the director agrees to add that new issue along with a new condition to the google doc to allow Reliant and NEB representative to be aware. 

For many participants, one of the most common conditions we put in place is to meet with a staff member throughout the program. As part of the role of the program director, we are asking that the director would frequently follow up with the staff member who is meeting with the participant (or follow up directly with the participant if there is no staff accountability set up) and write dates and details onto the google doc on hose those participants are doing. 

There may also be a scenario where an LT participant is given either a first set of conditions or additional conditions for something that has taken place during the program (versus during acceptance into the program) in order to continue in the program. In this scenario, the LT director should send a new conditional email to the participant (the email should also be sent to Reliant to have on record) that documents those new or added conditions and the participant and those new conditions should also be added to the google doc and updated with dates and details for the remainder of the program.

In the case that one of the conditions for acceptance (or a new conditions) has not been met, the event director will discuss with Reliant and/or the Collegiate NEB member for next steps. Typically, there is grace if the condition was not met one time (depending on the severity of the issue).  Be sure to write down what was discussed and create a new condition that is agreed upon by the participant saying they are aware that if the condition is again not met they will be dismissed from the program at the discretion of the event director.  If they are habitually breaking conditions that have been set in place specifically for them (or rules that everyone should be following) we need to be able to agree to dismiss them from the program if needed. See Dismissal of a Program Participant

This google doc also would be the place to include any new participant names that have broken policies since arriving at the program and need to be given conditions to remain at the program or as a way to let us know that they were dismissed from the program and why. 


This conditional acceptance email has the potential to sound more legalistic due to the needed legal sounding wording requirements. It is advised that if there is the need to send a conditional acceptance email then we ask that the local pastor or director share with the participant that they will be receiving an email from Reliant asking them to refrain from the concerned struggles/behavior, discussing the conditions for acceptance, and letting them know that there is a possibility that the program director may ask them to leave the program if they do not follow the policies while in attendance of the program.  Again, the conditional email will only be sent AFTER the local pastor/director has already met with the individual to discuss the concerns and let them know that they will receive a conditional acceptance email assuming the director wants to continue with the acceptance.   

In the case that there is a conditional acceptance needed for something more emotional related (ex. anxiety or depression) and the participant is a returning participant who has already attended the program before and already has a relationship with the director and program leadership, it is permissible for the director (coached by Reliant) to send the conditional email (and cc Reliant on the email) so that it is on a more personal level and less formal since a relationship with the program director already exists. Reliant just needs to have it written somewhere to say if the anxiety or depression inhibits the participant from being able to keep up with the demands of the program (attending meetings, working, etc.) that we may have to send them home. Reliant just wants to present the expectation up front that we want them to be able to fully participate in the program so that it's not a surprise if they have to be sent home because they are unable to fully participate in the program.

Here is an example of a Reliant Conditional Acceptance Email


Thank you for applying to the ___ LT program administered by Reliant. At this point, you should have received a general acceptance email from the ___ LT program. 

We appreciate the fact that you were open and even willing to meet and discuss your application answers with your local pastor or spiritual reference.  We are thankful that you have expressed your commitment to growing in the areas outlined as concerns on your LT application.  Leadership Training can challenge individuals physically, spiritually and emotionally. Also, for those that are already struggling in certain areas, LT can be a challenge to not revert back to old habits or areas of weakness during the program.  We hope that this summer helps you find growth in these areas of concern. 

Therefore, we want to inform you that Reliant is conditionally accepting you into the LT program with full knowledge of these concerns. Conditional acceptance means that Reliant reserves the right to continue to monitor  your situation, make suggestions, and even make recommendations for medical attention or professional counseling if necessary.  In addition, we need you to know that while at LT if your LT director feels that you are not displaying the character outlined in the LT policies or they see continued struggle in the areas of concern, then Reliant in agreement with the LT director reserves the right to remove you from the LT program.  

We encourage you to please ask for help and accountability this summer in your areas of concern.  Please be open with your friends, Reliant missionaries attending the program with you, and your LT program leaders. If you have any questions along the way please don’t hesitate to ask.

We pray that you will see God do amazing things in your life this summer.

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