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As you are crafting your End of Year Ask, here are some scripts to help you get started! Be sure to write in your own language and style, and try your best to make it personal to your donors. 

Sample Text, Requesting mailing address

Hi (name), I'm sending out a year-end appeal for (ministry name) and would like to include you in this opportunity. If you’d like to receive a letter, text me back with your email or mailing address. 

Looking forward to what the Lord has in the coming year. Wishing you a very merry Christmas (Thanksgiving)! 

Sample Email

Subject: A Worthy Investment

As most of you know, our ministry is almost entirely funded by the generous donations of people who want to see the Gospel go forward on college campuses. To date, we're at nearly 90% of our monthly goal. Each and every day I am grateful for all of you who generously and sacrificially give of your resources to make this possible. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. I hope you can see that we're stewarding your gifts well and that they are making an impact for the kingdom of God.

I'd like to ask you to prayerfully consider making an end-of-the-year gift to our ministry. We are looking to raise a total of $10,000 by the end of this year to help us continue to do ministry full-time. 

Please allow me to offer three reasons why this is a worthy investment:

  1. We're making an impact. Each week, more than 120 college students are impacted by our ministry. They're coming to faith, joining community groups, reaching out, and developing as leaders.
  2. There's a ripple effect. The students we minister to here go on to have families, work at engineering firms, open dentist offices, etc. These students are taking the good news of Jesus with them across the globe when they leave.
  3. There's more to be done. The Louisville-metro area is home to more than 50,000 college students. Even if you combine all of the evangelical campus ministries, at best we're only engaging 5% of them. These students need to hear that they are deeply loved by Jesus. Your giving creates opportunities to do that.

Would you consider giving a one-time gift of $250, $500, $1,000 to help aid us in this mission? All gifts are tax-deductible. To count for this fiscal year, gifts must be made online or postmarked by December 31st. You can give here: reliant.org/Jenni.Saniuk. I'll reach out to you in the next few weeks to see how the Lord is leading you in this opportunity. 

Anticipation is building for what the Lord will do in (next year's date) and we are trusting Him to provide the finances needed to continue laboring in His name.  Thank you for joining hands with our family, and thank you for helping us serve the people of (city/campus/country). You are a part of this ministry and we could not do it without you!

With Love,

Sample Follow Up: Text

Just following up on the letter I sent you. Let’s connect tonight. I’ll give you a call from this number. If tonight doesn’t work, let me know a better time.

Sample Follow Up: Phone

Hi! This is ___. Glad to catch you on the phone. Do you have about 5 minutes?

First, I wanted to thank you for how you’ve ministered to me this past year. Your giving has not only empowered me to share Christ with university students, but it’s been such an encouragement to me personally to know we're walking this journey together. Thank you. I’m so glad to be doing this work with you.

Not sure if you’ve had a chance to read the letter/card I mailed you, but I wanted to see if you’ve been able to pray about a (year-end gift to the ministry). *Give them a chance to say they haven’t read it or prayed about it yet. This is ok (and normal).

Makes sense. It's a busy season! (give a short recap of your letter and vision for the coming year.) I'm trusting the Lord to raise up generous givers like you to empower me in ministry in the coming year. Our year-end goal is $10,000. Over the next day or so, would you ask the Lord how He might have you participate? [wait for a response]

Thank you for joining me in prayer. I’d like to get back in touch with you to see if the Lord's brought you to a decision about [giving challenge]. Is tomorrow too soon? [wait for a response/ settle on a day to call back]

(optional) Great, I’ll do that. I’d like to know how I can be praying for you this year. Do you have a few minutes to catch me up on what’s been going on in your life?

Sample Follow Up: Email, stock gifts

Generous givers from around the country are learning something new about giving at year-end. If you have appreciated securities you’ve owned for more than a year, you may have a significant opportunity to give more than you thought possible. If God’s given you a dream of giving more to a cause, you may be able to fulfill that dream efficiently by giving stock through our partner, The National Christian Foundation. Discover more here.

Sample Follow Up: Email, Merry Christmas

Create a graphic (Canva) or just send a simple Merry Christmas message. 

Sample follow-up Dec 29/30

Send a “it’s not too late” message near the end of the year reminding people their tax-deductible gifts can still count for the 2024 tax year if they’re postmarked or given online by December 31st. *Be sure to include your giving link and Reliant’s mailing address in that communication.

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  1. From Jason Reedy

    I don’t typically have a personalized follow-up for my EoY ask. Each of my supporters gets:

    • A letter in the mail which includes an ask, as well as a magnet.
    • Everyone on the mailing list receives 3 messages, each one with an ask that directly highlights one the three themes for that year.
    • A final “It’s not too late” email.

      As much as I’d like to do more personalized messages, it’s just the wrong time of year to be diving into that big a task. I have sent some personalized messages in November in the past, but I didn’t notice a significant change in giving in the years that I sent those vs. years I did not.

    1. Good to know. I think it varies by support team for sure, but it sounds like Jason has a good system for himself so he can continue doing what works for him!

  2. Remember to base your invitations into that year-end appeal on vision, even if there’s backpay or reimbursement money needed. People give to people justified by the cause… not so much by the need. Focus on what you’re accomplishing currently and how this year-end funding will set you up to run the race with perseverance in the coming year.

    Just a friendly reminder to include a personal story while making your communication donor-centered vs you-centered. These are miniscule changes that makes a huge difference. Here’s an example of both:

    You-centered/ broad facts: We’ve seen 20 people give their lives to Christ this year and have been able to plant 5 new Bible studies. Discipleship has happened with our new leaders and people are growing in their faith.

    Donor-centered/ personal story: Because of the faithful generosity of givers like you, Anna gave her life to Christ this past semester. Her’s is just one story among the 20 people who came to the Lord through this ministry. And Anna has continued to pursue Jesus by joining our discipleship group in one of our 5 new Bible studies. I’m humbled and grateful to be working with you to advance the gospel on campus.