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Since March 2020, all of us have been trying to figure out how to live and work amid a global pandemic. For Reliant, our top priority is to support our employees as they do ministry in this new environment. It is also very important that we ensure the safety of employees and staff during these unprecedented times. We recognize that each local context is very different, often facing challenges and questions unique to your church or city.  Through all of this, we will work closely with you and local leadership. We will be updating this page as more information becomes available. Be sure to check back regularly.

General Guidelines

  • Please follow all local, state, and school-system guidelines.
  • Stay abreast of COVID-19 information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Decisions about a church’s public worship service or other gatherings should be made by each church’s Elder Board.
  • If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Should you or a member of your household exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, please do the following:

  1. Refer to the CDC's Guidelines for COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation 
  2. Abide by local health guidelines
  3. Confer with your local supervisor on work arrangements, precautions (i.e., testing and masking), and timing for when you can return to in-person work


  • Reliant's Paid Time Off (PTO) & Holidays policy applies to absences related to COVID-19.
  • In the case of an extended absence or hospitalization due to COVID-19, please reach out to your Program Team. 


As of March 2020, special travel procedures are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit Travel Notification for standards and procedure, including a link to the Travel Notification Form to submit for travel approval. Any questions can be directed to your Program Team. 

Reliant cannot restrict or endorse personal travel; it is a personal decision for each individual to make. We do request that you review the CDC's website for information on both international & domestic travel.

Reliant Solomon Resources

Reimbursement Information

MTD Tips during COVID-19

2020 Federal Actions

Reliant Insurance Information relating to COVID-19

Other Resources

Coronavirus Guide for Churches:

Hygiene Habits to decrease the spread of Coronavirus:

National Institute of Health Updates

CDC Updates

Market Volatility and 401(k) Planning - This short informational video was created by Reliant's 401(k) Plan Investment Advisor, Michael Clark. If you are concerned about your investment options due to the market changes caused by the pandemic, this video provides helpful information about investing during this time. 

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  1. user-3c66b , should we include directions to send email to notifyhr@reliant.org email address here for bullets 3, 4, and 7?

    1. user-3c66b

      Yes! I will update this page based new procedures on the other page today. 

  2. Kerry Housley My comment may have gotten deleted when I edited this page. I made some tweaks to the verbiage but not to any of the guidelines or policies. However, I am wondering if we want to revisit the travel policy section.

  3. Kerry Housley Matt Elkins Please review and approve this page. Thanks!

    1. Reviewed and looks great! Thank you, Julie!

      1. Matt Elkins Great! Can you approve the page? If you click on "Ready" next to the orange circle near the top of the page, you'll be able to click the Approve button.

        1. Totally forgot to approve! Done. Thanks Julie!

  4. Matt Elkins Here's my first take on the updated travel policy. I'll revisit tomorrow to edit, but feel free to make any changes.

  5. Kerry Housley You'll see that this page has updates to the travel policy for domestic travel. This has been discussed with Tom and Matt already. Would you take a look at it to ensure that everything is clear/looks right? Feel free to go ahead and make any formatting changes. If you have questions about the policy change or content, let me know. I'm still working on the google sheet that is alluded to in the red text.

    1. I assume the section title was intended to be "within the U.S."? I updated that. If not, I can change it back.

      Also, just to double check - are we wanting the form link (button) to take them directly to "make a copy"?

      Other than those, I think it looks and sounds good!

      1. Yep! That's what I meant. And I set up the form like the other forms are set up (see Travel Notification Form or the Reimbursement forms) to make a copy that they fill out for their own trip.

        I'll share the link to the form with you as well so that you can look over that, if you have a chance.

        1. Wondering if we should have some "info" or "warning" bubble at the top of the normal Travel Notification Form page to direct them here for this season? Since these policy updates are trumping that traditional process. Just a thought? Not sure if that opens a can of worms or not, but the Travel Notification seems specific enough to warrant it.

          1. Good call. Right now we are saying any travel between countries needs to be approved. It's more than just a "notification". I agree that the other page should have a "bubble".

            1. Do you want me to update that or do you want to do it?

              1. Kerry Housley I added the note on the top of the Travel Notification Form page. Take a look and edit if you want. (I did the yellow note, but debated about using the red warning.)

                1. Looks good to me.

                  I just tweaked the end of the sentence in the yellow note to read "current travel policies." from "current policies for international travel." If I'm understanding correctly, the above policy updates include domestic travel as well, right? And it didn't look like the Travel Notification page was specifically directed at international travel either. Feel free to change it back if it's different than I'm thinking.

                  1. I'm good with that. You can go ahead and approve the other page so that it can get published. Even though this page isn't ready yet, it's okay if the other page directs to this one now. 

  6. user-1a794

    I think the SECOND domestic missionaries is actually intended to be international.  We call them international at least from the starting point of their raising support. AT the time of Release, they are still US residents, but International employees.  I'm guessing that Domestic missionaries don't typically have much travel to their ministry sites. 

  7. Matt Elkins Can you review the page and approve in the workflow? This page will need to be published on Monday (11/9) to align with the email communication.

    1. Reviewed and approved! Thanks Julie!