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Purpose:  The ministry purpose of the MTD Coach is to support the fund-raising missionary through the process of developing their Reliant ministry team using the Ministry Team Development process. The goal of the interaction is for the fund-raising missionary to reach 100% of their goal (full funding).

Vision: Empowered by the love of the Spirit, the MTD coach will support the responsibilities of the fund-raising missionary the they pursue their 4 key responsibilities:

  • Connecting with potential partners.
  • Communicating the ministry vision.
  • Asking for Commitment.
  • Cultivating positive relationships with Reliant Partners and regularly report the state of the ministry.

The coach’s role includes providing community during the task, monitoring MTD activity, helping the missionary strategize for effective action, helping them solve problems, and creating an affirming faith-filled environment. 

Qualifications for MTD Coaches

Most MTD coaches are actively raising support while they coach others in their initial goal. Reliant expects that fund-raising coaches have reached their own initial goal to 100% and have maintained a ministry for one year or more. The minimum support level that coaches must maintain is 85% in recurring gifts (or 100% of ministry expenses without the attrition buffer.) 

Term of Commitment: Reliant trusts that the MTD coach will journey with the missionary fund-raising through completion of their initial goal.  Many coaching relationships continue through a missionary’s Reliant career.


Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Schedule and maintain a weekly coaching connection with your assigned missionaries
    • may include a of 1:1 meetings, group coaching calls, and email interaction.
    • Regular check ins beyond the weekly check in are highly encouraged
  • Encourage the MTD process by discussing goals and strategies to achieve the desired funding
  • Review weekly MTD activity through Toolbox and your PMR (personal ministry report). 
    • Review progress towards goals and adjust strategy accordingly
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