
In the case of an emergency...

*For International events: in the case of needing to evacuate the country, our international insurance has evacuation coverage. We would work with our insurance company to get you out of the country as quickly as possible in the case of an emergency situation. See Insurance for International Events.  

For longer term international events, we will need each international event director to provide Reliant with a written plan on steps they would take in the event of an accident or emergency while they are outside of the U.S. 


For your protection and the protection of the sponsoring church/network and Reliant itself you need to document everything using an incident report. Please use one of the google templates below to create a google doc and share it with all those involved (follow the template instructions) to be able to have everyone write their part in what happened.

Please use one of these incident report google doc templates for either a general event or a Collegiate LT program: 

Please inform the Reliant Events Administrator regarding ANY incidents (big and small) with participants, interns, missionaries or parents.  At Reliant, we receive the phone calls from parents/guardians when incidents arise so please keep us in the loop so we know how to answer their questions.

Incidents include but are not limited to…

Major incidents

Please call or text the Reliant event admin first to inform them about any major incidents.  After the crisis has calmed down please document all details in an incident report.  Include in the report details about the incident: dates, all participants and missionaries involved, who was called, etc.  Continue to follow up with any changes or new developments to the incident as they occur. Please be detailed with what your write as follow-up phone interviews with all parties involved may also be necessary. 

Minor incidents

For minor incidents please create an incident report. Please include in the report details about the incident: dates, all participants and missionary involved, who was called, etc.  Please continue to follow up with any changes or new developments to the incident as they occur. 

Insurance Coverage:

For programs and events in the US, in regards to medical insurance and medical coverage...  

Reliant does not carry supplemental insurance coverage for any of the U.S. event participants.  Participants would be covered by their personal medical insurance.  For additional information, ask Reliant for details to review the waiver that each participant has to sign in order to participate in the program.  See also: Event Participant Has No Insurance

See Insurance for Events for more details.

For international programs and events, in regards to medical insurance and medical coverage… 

For international event participants, Reliant carries short-term supplemental insurance coverage that supplements but does not replace their personal medical insurance.  We will provide the event director with all the insurance cards and documents that they would need if something were to happen.  The event director will be responsible for sharing the information of what is and what is not covered by the supplemental insurance to each participant.  For additional information, review the liability and medical information form that each participant has to sign in order to participate in the program.

See Insurance for International Events for more details regarding international insurance.