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To make changes to your 403(b)(9) investments, please log on to the Principal website.

On your first visit to the Principal website you'll be instructed to set-up a password for your account.  By selecting "new user" you'll be prompted for your social security number and plan number.  Reliant's plan # is 4-76065 .   

403(b)(9) Investment Changes

This is used for changing the investments for your retirement plan

  1. Login to the Principal website.
  2. On the welcome page, click on tab "Retirement & Investments" from main selection bar at the top.
  3. On the Your Account Overview page, find the "Your Account" blue box on the left of the screen and select "Contributions."
  4. Beneath "Contributions" select "Future Allocation."
  5. You will reach a page titled Allocation for Future Contributions. Select the orange box.  "Change Allocation for Future Contributions."

    "Allocate Future Contributions" will only apply for future investments from your payroll. Your previous balance will not be transferred to the new investments unless you also select "Reallocate Existing Savings" or "Rebalance" under the "Investments-"Manage" options from the "Your Account" Blue box on the left side of the screen. Please use caution when selecting these options and seek counsel from Principal (800-547-7754) before making changes if you do not understand these options.

  6. Select the option that best meets your investing preference: "Choose a Do-It-For-Me Feature" or "Choose a Do-It-Myself Feature."  Selecting "Choose a Do-It-For-Me Feature" will take you to a screen where you can select the suggested Principal Target Trust Fund based on your expected retirement age.  Selecting "Choose a Do-It-Myself Feature" will take you to a screen where you can "Choose your own Asset Allocation." Choose your investments and change the investment percentages according to your personal preference and select the continue button to advance to the next screen. 

  7. Follow the instructions to "save and continue" until you reach a confirmation page.  Review the change to make sure it is correct.  Check the box confirming the information and click the "submit" button to finalize the change. 

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  1. Sarah Swann and Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) - there's a note here referring to the support goal but I don't know if we want to link to Staffnet or if the support goal link is the proper link. Can you verify please?

    1. I think we'll delete the staff net link and just have it go straight to the solomon page on support goals so we only have to edit the solomon page instructions if things change. I just made that change

      1. Sarah Swann - I ended up splitting this page so that box is now on the new page for contribution changes.  (smile)