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As you are communicating your increase ask, remember the general format

  1. General greeting
  2. Share briefly your gratefulness for this last year
  3. Give a short intro into the vision for the future
  4. Explain your need and timetable
  5. Make the ask. Be direct.

We recommend the following:

  • If a donor is giving UNDER $100/month, we encourage you to ask them to consider giving $100 moving forward.
  • If a donor is giving OVER $100/month, we encourage you to ask them to consider doubling their giving.

Here is an example of text conversation.

"Hey Person!

I truly hope you are doing well! It's been a while since we talked, and another year of ministry has wrapped up. This past season has been so sweet while I have been adjusting to getting married and looking forward to what God has next for us!  As we move into the summer season, I am spending specific time raising an additional $1,000/month so once the school year starts in August, I can hit the ground running! PERSON, would you consider increasing your giving to $100/month to help me reach this goal?"

Easy language for the second text:

"Hey, I just wanted to check in and see if you had any thoughts or questions"

Third check-in. Let them know the success God has had.


Since I last reached out, God has been working and we have seen $200/month more be generously given. I just wanted to do one last check and see if you would consider increasing your giving to meet my $1,000/mo goal. No pressure at all. I hope you are well"

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