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Let's talk about follow-ups! One of the best places to start with follow-up is during the actual appointment. A couple of ways this can be done:

  1. If someone says yes to giving, be sure you ask, "Great, when do you think it would be possible for you to start your giving?"
  2. If someone says, "I'm not sure if I can give..." "I don't know how much..."  I say, "Great! I'd love to check back in with you on that decision. Is tomorrow too soon? "
  3. Be sure to set the expectation for the next time you'll talk/check in. This builds trust (when you contact them when you said you would), and it keeps you accountable for following up. 

1st follow-up after an ask is the thank you. Send it w/in 24 hours. Hand-written card, when possible. 

Additional follow-ups include calls, text, voice memos, DM, email (a copy of your latest prayer letter), etc. 

  • Phone call: "I know you've been praying about partnering with me in ministry, and I wanted to see how that decision is going." (wait for a response)  "Would a few more days give you the ability to come to a decision? Let's see, today is Monday. How about I give you a call back on Wednesday?" 

  • Use a date as a motivator: "I'm praying in faith that the Lord will gather 6 people to become $100 a month ministry partners with me by September 30th. Would you be one of those 6 people for me?" *People will rise to the occasion when you give them a specific amount and a date because they want to be the hero.
    • If they've said yes and have procrastinated signing up, send a text: Hey, wanted to know if you could start your giving before the end of this month. I can jump on the phone with you and walk you through it. It will take 3 minutes.  

  • If someone is ready to give, ask, "If you have 8 minutes right now, I can walk you through how to set up that giving. Would that be helpful for you?" FYI: You'll need to know how to walk someone through how to start up a gift online. Here’s how:
  • When someone is not returning your call, it’s okay to take a break from reaching out to them. BUT before you do that, make sure you've had at least 7 connections with them (texts, calls, appointments, emails, thank you note, etc). It takes an average of 7 times for someone to hear a message before they will act on it. If you're not yet at this average, then it's not time to take a break. If you have hit 7 connections and it's time to take a break, make sure you give them the date when you will reach out again. This is a relationship-builder that helps establish trust. Sample script: “Hey, it seems like you’re in a busy season right now. I completely understand. You can trust me to reach back out to you on _____ date."

Also, see:

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  1. Could add this: 

    The support-raiser had a group meeting with a bible study where they followed this strategy; getting to know the people, telling about their ministry, letting them know they’re looking for supporters and inviting them to pray about being on that team. *No formal ask in a group. The ask is in the follow-up call.*

    Below is a sample script for that follow-up call.  Here’s the general format:

    • remind them how you met
    • Reestablish rapport. But keep it short
    • Re-envision. Remind them of the ministry and the Kingdom work you will be doing
    • Invite them to partner.
    • Establish next steps: how to start giving, follow-up day, newsletter and text updates sign-up, etc.
    • After hang-up, write details down: Their giving decision, what you want to remember for the next time you talk, when to follow-up, etc.

    Hi (name), this is Mike Coleman. We met at (name’s) house last week. [Small talk – possibly asking how they fared through the storm]. Patti and I have been praying for you since we met at the Bible study. We were very encouraged to hear of your excitement for the ministry the Lord is launching us into. Thank you for taking up the call to seek God on how He might be asking you to partner with us in the work of (remind them what you’re doing). I wanted to be faithful to catch back up with you and see how the Lord is leading you in this decision. Maybe He's leading you to be one of our waymakers - someone who will faithfully partner with the ministry on a regular basis; possibly at an intentional gift amount of $250 monthly. We also are seeking out Launch Team members who will make an initial investment of $5,000, or some other amount. Do you have a sense yet on how the Lord might be leading you? [pause and slowly count to 5 in your mind]

    See the Close Chart for responses to a Yes, no or maybe.

    If yes to giving, ask if they have a few minutes right now for you to walk them through where to mail their gift or how to start their recurring gift online.

  2. This page was checked and revised for the 2023 Language Change Project on 8/29/23 -A.R.