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During these unusual times, we all have to make some adjustments to what were formerly routine activities. Whether it is remembering to grab a mask before heading to the grocery store or trying to decide if you will accept that offer to a dinner party, we now must consider our safety and the safety of others in so many of our daily decisions.

In March, we implemented restrictions on most work- and ministry-related travel. However, to balance legitimate needs for travel with the safety of Reliant staff, missionaries, and ministry partners, we have updated our travel policy and included procedures for approving travel within the U.S. Please find the policy here. This applies to all work/ministry-related travel, whether by car, plane, or other modes of transportation, that takes you outside of your usual ministry context (i.e., where you may travel during your routine day-to-day duties.) You may also want to review the entire page for all of the current Coronavirus Policies and Updates.

Please note that you will need to do a few things before getting your travel approved, including completing a notification form (which is linked on the Solomon page and below), so plan accordingly and give yourself enough time.

Travel Notification Form: If you know you will be traveling within the U.S. outside of your normal ministry/work contexts then please fill out the travel notification form. You will need to "copy" this google sheet, fill it out entirely, and then share it with notifyHR@reliant.org

If you have any questions, you may contact your program team or Julie Thomas, HR Compliance Officer.

We are praying for your safety and well-being during this time.

Julie Thomas, HR Compliance Officer