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We are excited to officially release our 2019 Annual Ministry Report that celebrates 30 years of service! We hope that you will find it encouraging and informative as we take a look at all God has accomplished in our 30th year. In previous years, we sent out a physical copy of our Annual Ministry Report to all staff and donors, but in this unique year, we have decided to make it available in a digital format instead. You and your donors can access the 2019 Digital AMR here.

We apologize for the delay in publication this year. Reading it with today's eyes, we know this doesn't address the realities we have gone through in 2020. We do not want the lack of reflection on the defining moments of 2020 to be interpreted as insensitivity to the dramatically different place or pain so many have experienced in 2020.

Our sincere hope is that looking back in this way, with both praise and humility for all that God has done, will only serve to strengthen our faith and embolden our hearts. We know that "he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus".

We encourage you to share this with your supporters and anyone else who might benefit from hearing what God has been doing in our ministry. As we move toward the end of 2020, I pray that each of you is moving closer to Christ, looking to Him for His grace and peace. As always, the Central team is praying for you all and here if you ever need anything. 


Serving together with you,

Tom Mauriello