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RELIANT is committed to mobilizing Christian workers, including women and men of diverse backgrounds, cultures, nationalities, and ethnicities.

Spiritual leadership in doctrine and ministry methods works best when it flows from the local church and ministry. Reliant works in a sub-missional role, coming under local gospel vision. Our ministry processes, including our structured missionary assessment and fundraising coaching, are oriented to work in partnership with local leadership. Reliant does not direct in specific issues of doctrine or praxis.

RELIANT is committed to the highest standards of professional excellence, financial integrity, and stewardship.


In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Phil 4:10-20, Paul thanks believers for giving to apostolic work outside their local context and advocates further generosity. We see these as example examples and the basis for today's missionary fundraising model, in which Christians Christian individuals contribute regularly to missionary support. Other models of funding in the church, such as the tithe model for funding church staff, or the "tentmaking" bi-vocational approach, are also important Biblical approaches for funding ministry. However, Reliant exists especially for those missional contexts where a local tithe or funding is not available or sufficient, yet the gospel is needed just the same.


Reliant was originally founded to provide missionary support to a church-planting approach for college ministries. We remain "church people," seeing the Body of Christ as the context for ministry and hope for the world. Church planting remains part of our DNA. While today we partner with a range of ministries and Gospel-centered non-profits, we expect our partners to honor the church as we do , and that they build or support the church and not disparage or supplant it.  (Matt 16:18; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Rom 12:4-5)


Jesus’ Great Commission is our core and ultimate purpose. (Matt 28:18-20). We partner with those who are like-minded , across the boundaries of doctrinal distinctives under the mission of the gospel. We are effectively “non-denominational”—our missionaries labor across a spectrum of gospel initiatives, new and established. Investment in evangelism, discipleship , and church planting will always remain central to our mission. (Related: see our Statement of Faith)