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John, I started a new career recently. I’m going to be involved with a church plant in Los Angeles through a missions organization called Reliant Mission. I’d love to explain more about Reliant and Right now I am getting together with friends like you and letting people know more of what I’ll be doing with Kairos Church. Would you have some time this week to get together?


 That is definitely a part of it. However, my real desire is to share the vision with you of what God has been doing through Kairos in L.A. Is there a time we could get together this week?
 Well, I don’t know. See I’m already committed to five other ministries.
 Are all of those commitments long-term? I completely understand that, though like I said, I'd love just to connect and share with you some of what God has been doing. And there are many other ways you might be able to help that don't involve finances as well.
No, two of them will be over this summerWell, that might be okay, but we really aren't in a position to give right now, though we might be at a later time.
If it would be okay with you, I’d still love to get together. And maybe you’d be in a position to consider Reliant and our ministry in L.A. towards the end of the summerI would enjoy reconnecting and letting you know what I've been up to.  Is there a day this week or next that we could get together?


I understand. What I’ve found is that regardless of people’s ability to give, they love to hear what God is doing with Kairos in L.A.
Also, there are four ways that others have gotten involved. Some are in a position to volunteer time either directly in ministry or assisting behind the scenes.
Second, we need true intercessors who will commit regularly to praying for our ministry.
Another regular way people help is by giving financially to Reliant, enabling me to minister to people in L.A.
Lastly, John, there may be others you know of who would love to hear about what we are doing in Los Angeles.
Is there a time this week or next that we could get together to talk moreWould it make sense to try to get together?
How long will this take?
Most of the time I can share my part in 15–20 minutes, and with questions usually it lasts about 30–40 minutes. Did you have a day in mind?spend about an hour with people, but we can do it in a half an hour or less if need be.
 How does next Wednesday afternoon sound? Say around two?


Yes, that’s fine. I’m at 1234 Oak Street, on the fifth floor. Do you know how to get here?
Yes, I’ve been in your building beforeI'll plug that in to the GPS and I can let you know if I have any issues.. Tell you what, I’m writing Wednesday the 5th at 2:00 p.m. in my calendar. Let me give you my number in case something were to come up and you would need to reschedule our time. It’s 123-222–2222. Also, if you don’t mind, I’ll give you a quick call or text on Tuesday morning at your office to confirm our time together. Would that be okay?
