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title3. Church Interview

Once the references are submitted, and we have given the application a quick look over, we will send the application off to Church Interview. You will receive an email (Subject: You've been assigned a task - Reliant Mission) with a task to complete. It will come from Breezy and it will look like this:

The email will not say who the applicant is. It will only display the Task name and the due date. From here, you can click Review Task.

Once you click Review Task, it will open the window with all Tasks assigned to you. You will want to click View Candidate to see who was assigned to you.

Once you click View Candidate in the Task View, you will see the Candidate profile (below).

When you get here, you will want to click Questionnaires at the top (highlighted). 

After you click Questionnaires, you will see all of the applicant's completed Questionnaires.

To view their answers, you will need to click on one of the Questionnaires in the list. This will then pop out the questions they were asked along with their answers.

As you view your applicant's responses, you may find it helpful to use the Notes tab to note any concerns or red flags that you see.

You will also want to view the references that were submitted. To do so, click over More and then select References.

Once you click references, you should see 3 references. You can click on a reference name to view the submitted reference.

When you're ready to do your interview with the applicant, you will need to use the scorecard. The scorecard will guide you through the interview process. At the top of the scorecard is a space for your overall thoughts - you will complete this at the close of the interview.

To begin, you will start with the Confidentiality Agreement. For each question, you will have a rating scale of thumbs as well as a space to add additional comments or responses from the applicant. 

About 3/4 way through the scorecard, you will see "RELIANT REVIEW: ONLY FOR RELIANT" - at this time, you will want to scroll back to the top of the scorecard and fill in your overall thoughts in the "Thoughts on this Candidate?" box as well as give an Overall Rating.

After you give your overall rating at the top of the scorecard, your portion is complete, and you will click the blue Save Scorecard button (do not forget this step!).

Your last and final step (after saving your scorecard) will be to assign the applicant back to Reliant. To do this, you will click, Change Stage in the top right corner and click Reliant Review.

A message will appear at the bottom in green that says "Stage updated" Once you see that, you can close out of the applicant or out of Breezy entirely. You're doneview.

The last thing you will want to do is mark the task as complete. To do this, simply go to the Breezy home page, click on Tasks on the left side, and check the task as done. Once you have done that, you are finished with the local/church interview stage!

UI Expand
title4. Reliant Review

After the Church Interview has taken place, Reliant will review the application as well as the scorecard.
