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Comment: Added the week 1 resource pages at the bottom for easy reference


  1. Update/ clean up your database. Look at every single connection and notate where they are. Did you find anyone who said they would give, but fell off the conveyor belt? Did you find anyone you tried to reach but never got a response? Did you find any referrals that you never contacted?
  2. Pray through your contacts and ask God to give you a "Top 40" list of people whom He wants you to contact. *If you're low on names, maybe that Top 40 is mostly people who you'll call and ask to connect you with others. If it’s been a long time since you’ve asked your donors to increase, maybe most of your list will be current donors. If you have a handful of people you’ve never asked for support, maybe they’re on the list. The key to this activity is to set aside some intentional time to LISTEN to the Lord so He can direct your energy toward those whose hearts He's been burdening for missions. *Email your Top 40 to your cohort facilitator before your first call. 
  3. List out who has gone non-current. Non-current means they were a donor but have had a lapse in their giving. Read through the attached tutorial on how How to Call a Non-Current Donor to find who is non-current and what to say to them. You will likely be texting a non-current donor at by the end of your first cohort call.
  4. 8-week goal. Now that you’ve taken the time to listen to the Lord and let Him direct you, break down that activity into a measurable goal you’d like to accomplish in MTD by the end of your initial 8-week stint in this cohort. Insert this goal into Column C of the Action Items spreadsheet (Google Sheets link).
  5. Read through "Finding through How to Find New Names. " If If low on contacts, let your cohort facilitator know which three items from this list you're going to do.
  6. Calculate your Magic Number. See below


It builds long-term sustainability. When a raise or budget increase occurs, current donors are naturally engaged in increase asks vs seeking out more and more new donors to join the team

Resource Pages 

Pages you can send to those you're coaching.

MTD "Magic Number"

Calling Non Current Donors

How to Find New Names