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While EAPs are often associated with mental health and counselling, Aetna International’s confidential employee assistance service includes support for other areas such as physical health and life admin.

Contacting Aetna's EAP Plan

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titlePhone Number

Please see the phone number on the back of your Aetna card or call 8000-231-7729 (or collect 813-775-0190).


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titleAetna Website - Health Hub
  • Log in to Health Hub – your secure member website.
  • For members on a non-U.S. plan, you can access employee assistance services under the heading ‘Discover your health and well-being benefits’ within the Health Hub. From there, you can log in to the employee assistance website, which is available in 27 languages.
  • For U.S. based members, you can access employee assistance services via ‘My Plan Documents’ section of the Health Hub. From there, you can log in to the employee assistance website, which is available in 27 languages.

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titleiConnectYou App - Mobile phone App

Download the app by searching for "iConnectYou" in  the app store or Google Play store.  Enter one of the following passcodes to complete your registration:

• Argentina: AetnaArg
• Austria: AetnaAustria
• Barbados: AetnaBar
• Belize: AetnaBel
• Bolivia: AetnaBol
• Brazil: AetnaBra
• Canada: AetnaCan
• Cayman: AetnaCay
• China: AetnaChi
• Colombia: AetnaCol
• Costa Rica: AetnaCos
• Dominican Republic: AetnaDom
• Dubai: AetnaDub
• Ecuador: AetnaEcu

• El Salvador: AetnaEls
• France: AetnaFra
• Germany: AetnaGer
• Guatemala: AetnaGua
• Guyana: AetnaGuy
• Haiti: AetnaHai
• Honduras: AetnaHon
• Hong Kong: AetnaHK
• Italy: AetnaIta
• Jamaica: AetnaJam
• Japan: AetnaJap
• Mexico: AetnaMex
• Netherlands: AetnaNeth
• Nicaragua: AetnaNic

• Panama: AetnaPan
• Paraguay: AetnaPar
• Peru: AetnaPeru
• Singapore: AetnaSng
• Spain: AetnaSpa
• South Africa: AetnaSoA
• Suriname: AetnaSuri
• Switzerland: AetnaSwi
• Trinidad and Tobago: AetnaTrTo
• United Kingdom: AetnaUK
• Uruguay: AetnaUru
• Venezuela: AetnaVen

The following services are covered under the EAP Plan:

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titleShort-Term Counseling

Employees referred for counseling will receive structured telephonic, face-to-face, or online support. A case manager oversees the process of matching the
employee with a counselor who has the appropriate experience and specialization. The employee then works with the counselor to schedule each session.

Once you have been connected to a counselor, sessions last for up to 50 minutes.  The Aetna plan covers 5 counseling sessions per issue per year per enrolled member (or dependent). 

Aetna can connect employees to counselors based on their Christian (religious) preference and gender preference. 

Types of counseling services provided include:

  • Cultural adjustment assistance
  • Marital/Family stress
  • Child care and behavioral concerns
  • Social adaptation needs
  • Alcohol/Substance Abuse
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Depression
  • Crisis response - catastrophic accident, employee death(s), natural disaster, violent attack
