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Constructive Feedback

Verbal & Written Warnings

As mentioned earlier, staff members are employees and have responsibilities for which they are accountable.  One example of these responsibilities is ongoing ministry team development.  Often times, when poor performance or behavior is not addressed, “grace” might be the justification.  However, there are also boundaries and consequences for actions.  The staff member, GCM, the church, and Christ’s reputation is being critiqued by the world constantly.  Donors want to be able to trust that the finances they are giving are being taken seriously and ministry is happening responsibly. 


  • Signatures – it is important that all parties sign the document.  If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor may write such and sign.


“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.”  Heb. 10:23-25


Sadly, many individuals share that they do not receive regular and ongoing feedback from their ministry supervisors. 

Missionary Excellence Program

      Writing a Good Appraisal

A well written performance appraisal is important for many reasons.  The annual review provides a summary of the staff member’s performance over the previous year. There should be no surprises on an annual review – the review is simply a documented summary of things that have been shared with the staff member throughout the year.


Unsatisfactory/Does Not Meet (below 2) – does not meet expected performance levels.  Meets some of the components of the job duty/responsibility, but does unsatisfactory work in some key areas.  This individual is very inconsistent in the given area, not effective or the duty/responsibility is not getting done.  This should not be the first time the staff member is aware of the issue.  If improvement does not happen very quickly, the individual may be in danger of some type of warning in the future.  If the person has already been on a warning in an area and has still not improved, this may also warrant an “Unsatisfactory”. 

Career Development

Vocational ministry provides opportunities to develop a long-term career path.  Longevity in vocational ministry is more likely if an employee sees development potential.  Some individuals will go on staff with a shorter term in mind, possibly 2-5 years.  Many will desire this to be a longer term career.  One aspect of providing that opportunity is helping them with development.
