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Constructive Feedback

The following is an excerpt from the article “6 Steps to Having a Tough Conversation with a Church Staff Member” by Jay Mitchell. To access the entire article, click here.



For more tips on this topic, check out Reliant’s Leadership Learning Series webinar on Handling Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

Verbal & Written Warnings

Hopefully rare, occasions when poor performance or unmet expectations continue, corrective action to guide the staff member back on track may be necessary. As their recognized supervisor, you are responsible and accountable for the staff member’s performance of duties. Verbal and written warnings are a tool to help staff members get back on track.


  • Date of Warning – It is always important to document dates for employment actions taken.
  • Type of Violation – This is a general description of the problem behavior.
  • Previous Corrective Action, Warnings, or Reprimands – If there is a pattern of behavior, it is important to document this. List out any prior warnings, whether they are similar to the current problem behavior or not.
  • Supervisor Statement – This is where a longer explanation of the problem behavior can be given as well as anything discussed with the employee. Attach extra sheets as necessary. Always be careful to document facts, not opinions about the facts. If you believe the individual was defensive, what things did the person do or say that led you to believe that.
  • Employee Statement – The employee also has an opportunity to respond in writing.
  • Action Taken – What type of employment action is being taken? The HR department will work with the supervisor to decide the appropriate action and next steps as well as the consequences if the behavior occurs again.
  • Signatures – It is crucial that all parties sign the document. If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor may write such and sign.

Rewards & Recognition

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” Heb. 10:23-25


For any feedback (constructive or positive affirmation) to be effective, it should be done immediately or as close to the behavior as possible. It should be specific, and it is also helpful if it is linked to the impact. For example: “I know you’ve been working on having a servant’s heart. I know it isn’t easy for you. I noticed how you served Joe by helping him tear down everything after the event last night. I really appreciated that. It encouraged Joe and set a good example for Barry. Thanks!

Career Development

Vocational ministry provides opportunities to develop a long-term career path. Longevity in vocational ministry is more likely if an employee sees development potential. Some individuals will go on staff with a shorter-term in mind, possibly 2-5 years. Many will desire this to be a longer-term career. One aspect of providing that opportunity is helping them with development.

Reliant offers an Education Reimbursement benefit that allows full-time employees who have been employed for one year or more to reimburse classes related to the job up to $5250 per year as a non-taxable reimbursement (see Continuing Education Standard and Procedure). Many employees take seminary classes to enhance their ministry skills or Bible knowledge. 
