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Procedure Name:Exit Prayer Letter Sample Wording
Scope:Field Staff
Revision Date:June 9, 2022
Last Review Date:June 8, 2023

Here is a template for your final prayer letter. 

What to Communicate




First, thank the donor for their past giving and maybe share a story of some things which happened over the years while you were in ministry


that their donations helped achieve. 

"You have had a great impact on (ministry name) through your prayers and generosity. Remember Joe?  Now he is ...  In addition, I have been personally touched by the kindness and love expressed through your partnership."  

Cast vision for your next steps

Reliant believes that God is still at work


in your life and calling you to something new.  Express that with hope and faith to our ministry team. 

Example: "The recent years working with students has allowed me to see that I'm designed to understand culture and philosophy in deep ways.  An opportunity has arisen where I can utilize those gifts.  In two months I will start a fellowship at a local university ..." 

Provide concrete guidance for the


giving you need

Example: "Your giving is as vital as ever though the end of May. My last day of employment with Reliant is April 30. Since I have $___ available as back-pay (or ministry reimbursements), Reliant allows funds received by May 31 to cover these needs." 

Propose an


opportunity for continued





"In addition to praying for me, you also have the opportunity to continue your partnership with Reliant and (Church or ministry name) in


reaching (group of people).  I'd like to recommend that you transfer your Reliant giving to


Employee Name (FDXXXX)




  Should you choose to continue partnering with Reliant on behalf of


Employee Name at (Reliant ministry location name), you may do one of three things: contact me,


contact them directly, or simply go to www.


reliant.org, where you may change your financial partnership online.     

"If you want to discontinue your financial partnership at this time, you may contact the Reliant Gift Services team by phone (




614-4600), email (


gift.services@reliant.org), or online (www.


reliant.org). If you do not contact Reliant and your gift is generated electronically, your


automatic giving transactions will automatically stop after DATE (ask


your Program Liaison for the last month automatic giving will transact**). Please feel free to contact Reliant or me with any other questions you have. "

**For example, if you are exiting in May, the last gift date will be June 30.  Please verify the last gift date with your Program Liaison before sending out your final prayer letter.

Things to Avoid 

We realize that many factors lead to a change in ministry.  It's common for God to use uncomfortable situations to move us on to new opportunities.  In communicating with donors, focus on what is ahead and how it relates to your calling. Don't use exit communication with donors to air confusion, disillusionment, or team conflict.  Concerns you may have a need to be directed to those who have the power and responsibility to address those concerns. Negative tones could leave a ministry team member wondering about the value of what they gave previously. That would dishonor their sacrifice. 

Specifically, be cautious and avoid: 

  • airing theological differences. 
  • opportunities you hoped for but didn't realize. 
  • airing disappointment related to your team, leadership, or ministry focus. 

Ways to honestly honor your investment and the supporter's



  • "I'm looking for a new kind of challenge."
  • "I have found a better fit."  (or "an even better fit.")
  • "I"'m so glad for the ways I have been able to serve and look forward to directing my energies to______."
  • "My commitment to the Great Commission is deeper than it's ever been and I look forward to ___ ."  

Timeline for Communication

Ministry Team Members members should receive word of your change 2-6 3 weeks before the last day of your employment.  It's simply not fair for them to learn you stopped employment before they heard from you.  At the same time, notifying them too early may result in team member stopping  In principle, you are seeking to time your communication in a way that your donors have fair notice, while not informing them so early that they stop their giving before you finish your ministryNOTE: All Missionary Exit

All employee exit communication needs to be reviewed and approved by the Reliant


Program team before being sent to Reliant donors.


The deadline for us to receive your letter is 30 days before the end of your employment.  (Email





your program liaison.)