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Table of Contents

Employment Options

Missionaries with Reliant can chose from a variety of employment statuses when in Initial MTD:

  • Full-Time 40 (hours/week)
  • Part-Time 30 (hours/week)
  • Part-Time 25, or 20 (hours/week)

  • Associate Staff (official volunteer, work hours can vary.)



See Missionary Classifications for descriptions of each of these employment statuses.


Keep in mind that an employee's benefits eligibility may change depending on the status chosen. Your employment status should match the amount of hours you are working (raising support), unless you are fully a volunteer. You cannot volunteer for some of your hours and be paid for other hours.

Why Do Some Start as Associate?


A Reliant employee has some choices regarding his or her employment status and hiring date while beginning the initial support-raising process (Initial MTD). The following information is to help you understand your options, but you do not need to make any decisions before arriving at training. We will talk through your options more at training as well.

Typical scenario (Full-time, 40 hours/week)

Most of our U.S.-based employees start out raising support as full-time employees at 40 hours per week with a hiring date of the first day of their training. Under this option, the employee:

  • Begins receiving a paycheck (even if not a full one) right away, dependent upon the amount of money raised so far
  • Begins receiving benefits coverage through Reliant right away
  • Is able to receive backpay in the future for the hours worked during support raising. For a more detailed explanation, please see Backpay.

Other scenarios

Associate Staff (Volunteer) option

Employees can choose to start the initial fundraising season as an 

Associate Staff. Being an Associate means they are an official volunteer with Reliant while they begin support raising


. Under this option, the employee:

  • Can build up a balance of funds in the MTD account the employee is responsible for before pulling money out for a paycheck


  • . This is a common choice for international


  • employees who need


  • funds to accrue to cover their moving expenses and one-time needs.


  • Is not benefits eligible
  • Does not yet receive a paycheck. The employee chooses when in the future


  • he or she wants to receive a hire date and start getting paid.



Part-time options

Some employees want the benefits of being hired by Reliant right away but will not be working 40 hours per week. The following options are available for them:

  • Part-Time 30 (hours/week)
  • Part-Time 25 or 20 (hours/week)

Keep in mind that an employee's benefits eligibility may change depending on the status chosen. Your employment status should match the amount of hours you are working (raising support) unless you are fully a volunteer. You cannot volunteer for some of your hours and be paid for other hours.

Hire date

Provisionally Accepted employees

What happens if I don't start as Associate?

Often, in the first few months of support raising, the MTD account does not have enough funds to cover a full paycheck. If a missionary starts Initial MTD with a Full-Time or Part-Time employment status, they begin to receive a paycheck. However, there is not yet sufficient funds in the MTD account to cover a paycheck. As a result, the missionary is "short checked" and accrues backpay (like an I.O.U. for what would get paid if there were enough funds available). In future months, when the MTD account has an abundance of funds, the amount of backpay starts to get paid to the missionary. 

You might want to start as Associate IF:

  • You want to avoid accruing backpay
  • You do not need benefits coverage through Reliant
  • You do not need a paycheck (you have savings to sustain you, and/or your living expenses will be lower during the first few months of support raising)
  • You are an international missionary

You might NOT want to start as Associate IF:



You will need to decide what employment status you want to start with by the last day of the training you attend. Up until that point, Reliant encourages you to read through the information above, and discuss options. The trainers at your training will be able to talk through your options based on your specific scenario as well.

Actual Hire date


can receive a hire date once they've attended a training (if required) and completed the necessary employment paperwork.

  • Hire Date depends on:
    • Completing


    • training requirements (listed on


    • the offer of employment)
    • Completing necessary employment paperwork (


    • at training


    • or remotely if not attending training)
    • No other disqualifying factors come up before


    • the hire date. Potentially disqualifying factors include (but are not limited to):


        • The employee or


        • church


        • feels led in a different direction
        • There is a change in


        • the employee's moral conduct or background check
    • Hire Date can be as early as


    • the first day of the training


    • attended (or 10 business days after


    • accepting the offer if not required to attend training).


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    Initial MTD

    Associate Staff





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