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titleThey said No

A “No” response can mean several things:

  • “No, that amount is too high” (ask for a lower amount)
  • “No, I can’t give regularly” (ask for a special gift)
  • “No, right now is a bad time” (but later might be okay)
  • “No, I have some unspoken concerns.”
  • “No, period.”

This means we must clarify! Primarily, remember to graciously ask clarifying questions to determine what their “No” means.


  • Ask for a lower monthly range.
    • If they are unable to give the monthly amount you requested, your follow-up should communicate understanding and appreciation: "I can certainly understand. I know that amount can sound high to some donors. Is there another amount that you could feel comfortable with?"
  • Ask for an Alternate Frequency

    • If they are unable to commit to something monthly: "I totally understand. Some donors can’t commit on a monthly basis but have been able to consider quarterly or annual gifts. Is that something you might consider?"

  • Ask for a Special Gift
    • "I can certainly understand. Not everyone is in a position to give on an ongoing basis. Mr. <name>, as well as the monthly expenses I’ve mentioned, special, one-time gifts will help cover less frequent financial needs of our ministry such as...<list a few special needs>.
  • Ask about the future.
    • If they are unable to give at all financially, your follow-up should communicate understanding and appreciation and seek to find out if they would be willing to consider giving in the future.
      • "I so much appreciate your consideration. Some people who can’t consider giving do have circumstances change in the future. Could it make sense for me to check back in three or six months or another time?" If the answer is “Yes,” get a general time to get back in touch. Then agree upon an appropriate time to contact him/her. "I appreciate your willingness to consider joining Reliant’s team in the future."
  • “No”…period
    • Communicate understanding and appreciation. "I can certainly understand. Thank you so much for letting me share about Reliant and this ministry with you. It’s a privilege just to be able to tell our story."

    • Ask if there are unspoken concerns. It may be appropriate to ask about unspoken concerns. Be sensitive and mention this only when appropriate.

      • "I wonder, are there any concerns you’ve had or questions I’ve left unanswered?"




Excerpt Include
Getting Connected with Others Script
Getting Connected
with Others


Ministry Updates

This not only returns to your mention of the need for prayer but also confirms with the donor that you are not “taking money and running.” You intend to establish a relationship and report back.

Plus, some people will not be able to give financially but will want to be part of a regular prayer team or should receive updates because there is potential they will join the team in the future. Use discretion on this; it can be costly to add everyone to your print mailing list.

In today’s transitional world of communication technologies, it’s best to rely on donor preference for how to send updates. Most missionaries send their prayer letters via email but also maintain a postal mail list.

Script Example for Yes or Maybe Responses

"I send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and I’d love to include you so you and your family can pray for our ministry. Some people will even make a commitment to pray for me regularly, and I desperately need that. Which method is best for you to receive updates?"

Script Example for No Responses

"Some people haven’t been able to give on a regular basis but still have a strong interest in the ministry we’re doing and want to commit to being part of our prayer team. I typically send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and if you want to join that team, I’d be happy to include you. At the same time, I understand if this isn’t something you’re interested in at this time. What do you think?


Objectives: Communicate the various ways for partners to begin giving to Reliant

  • Show how to use the donor giving website to start, stop, or change their giving
    • Yes, with amount →"Thank you so much for committing to giving $__/month! As I said before, we can get that set up now or, if you're more comfortable, I can quickly walk you through how to set up your giving online and you can do it on your own later today or tomorrow."
    • Maybe →"I know you said you'd like some time to check your budget/talk to your spouse/pray, but if it's alright with you, I would love to quickly run through how to set up your giving online so if you decide to financially support the ministry, you can get your giving set up."
    • No → "Thank you so much for listening to the vision of what we pray God will do through our ministry at _____. If something should change and you decide to financially support me, you can find my giving page at Reliant.org/_____."
  • Implement wrapping-up appointment principals by asking about ministry updates, praying with partners, and tying up any loose ends from their conversation as appropriate to each situation

  • Input notes about ministry partners in your donor management system after each appointment to track important details about ministry partners
  • Establish patterns and practices for following up with partners after appointments, including sending thank you notes, sending materials as necessary, and communicating appropriately
  • Send a Thank You text/email. The same day, send a brief text or e-mail that thanks them again and includes a link to the website for giving


    From: Dave C.
    Subj: Thank You Again
    Dear Mr. Jones –
    Thank you again for the meeting today! I’m so encouraged by your generosity in giving towards our new church plant to reach the young people of Chicago with education and, ultimately, the Gospel. It makes a world of difference.
    Here’s the place to go: Reliant.org/david.johnson
    View our profile and choose “Give Now” to get started.
    In Christ Jesus


    Thank you again for the meeting today about my plans to plant a new church and reach young people in Chicago with education and, ultimately, the gospel. I was encouraged by our conversation, and I appreciate the time you’ll take to consider whether you can be involved.
    If you do decide to give, here’s the place you will go. Feel free to take a look to learn more about Reliant.
    We’ll talk again next week.
    In Christ Jesus,


    Thank you again for the meeting today! It was kind of you to hear about our plans to reach young people in Chicago with education and the Gospel. I understand that you won’t be able to give at this time, but I do appreciate the time you spent with us.
    God bless!
    In Christ Jesus
    Dave C.
    Cool Chicago Church Plant In ministry partnership with Reliant

  • Communicate to potential partners the vision for the need to get connected to others
  • Ask boldy for connections to new people who would be interested in hearing about the ministry


  • Asking for referrals is one of the most important aspects of MTD
  • It's also one of the hardest aspects of MTD
  • This is one of the main pieces that determine how quickly we finish our responsibilities in developing a Reliant ministry team