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Policy Name:Field Staff Statuses
Scope:All Field Staff Employees and Associates
Revision Date: March 13, 2023
Last Review Date:May 11, 2023



General policy: Reliant missionaries are field staff are ministers of the gospel who exist to support the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-20.   "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching  them them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you  always always, to the very end of the age.” 



If you want to make a change in hours, please fill out the Missionary Employment Change Notification form.in Hours Notification Form - See Employment Changes


Full-time Reliant


field staff are gospel workers who generally perform at or above 40 hours/week. These


staff members are paid as full-time, salaried employees. These


workers are not required to track hours for Reliant, though they may be asked by their local church or ministry to track ministry time worked.

Part-Time 30, 25, or 20

Part-Time 30-, 25-, or 20-hour Reliant


field staff are gospel workers who generally perform at 30, 25, or 20 hours/week. Because the nature of ministry work is sometimes difficult to track accurately


, we ask that these


ministry workers put in an estimated amount of time per week that equates to these hours. Reliant asks that if any


staff members begin to average more than or less than 5 hours/week of their current listed hours, over a period of time, they would move their employment status to match their actual hours. However, they are not responsible to track their hours for Reliant, though they may be asked by their local church or ministry to track ministry time worked. These


staff members are paid a prorated salary based on the


number of hours worked. For instance, a Part-Time 20 Reliant


staff member would be paid half of what he or she would be paid if they were Full-Time.

Part-Time: Less than 20 hours/week

Part-Time: Less than 20 hours/week Reliant


field staff are gospel workers who generally perform at less than 20 hours/week or have roles that are perhaps seasonal with extended periods of low hours/week. Because the nature of these roles is often seasonal and may fluctuate more often, these


ministry workers are asked to fill out a time card and are paid based on hours worked

Please be aware that these roles are still exempt from qualifying for overtime pay. If an employee in this category has a seasonal role that exceeds 20 hours/week for longer than one month, they should contact payroll@reliant.org for guidance.  


If you are Part Time: Less than 20 hours/week you will need to fill out a Monthly Time Card. Read more and get the time card at Time Cards.








Volunteers are


not employees or independent contractors of Reliant.


Associates are volunteers who have been approved to conduct ministry on behalf of Reliant. That means they have been through the assessment process and


, in most cases, are also deputized fundraisers. Associates are able to raise funds to cover ministry expenses. They need supervisors and ministry job descriptions to maintain Associate status. Their ministry expenses are reimbursable according to Reliant's accountable reimbursement plan


. Since volunteers do not receive any form of compensation, their service to the ministry will generally be recognized through non-compensatory means such as recognition and praise.

International Spouses of Reliant field employees are required to be assessed and carry at least an Associate status in the ministry. Non-employed spouses of Reliant employees may apply for Associate Volunteer roles if they perform legitimate volunteer ministry within the scope of Reliant's ministry purposes.



Your employment status should match the amount number of hours you are working , unless you are fully a volunteer. You cannot volunteer for some of your hours and be paid for other hours.

Missionary Employment Change Notification


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