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On this page, you will find speaking points you'll want to make sure you mention as you're giving your presentation. If you need a refresher on how to cast the vision or deliver a specific point, reach out to your MTD Coach for help!

  • it’s all right with you,
I’ll go ahead and use this photo album
  • I'd love to show you some photos to help communicate more about <church/ministry>, Reliant Mission, and my role with them.

Now that you've shared your testimony, you need to transition to the presentation.

  • This can sound something like, "Thanks for listening to my story. If

Transition from your testimony




 Sure that would be fine.


Sharing the Need




Like those who were there to reach out to me, I’m excited to be part of <church/ministry> who is are reaching out to <people group> in <location>.





One motivation for me is knowing that there are xxx,000 <people group> in <location> alone who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.


You may also give other examples: Statistics from the city or local area that help communicate the need for a ministry or church there.


Mr. Jones, let me ask you a question. You may have read the news about what is happening around the world, but they don’t usually report on what goes on day to day. What do you think are some of the greatest pressures facing <people group> today?


 I’d have to say poverty and depression.


Regardless of the answer, acknowledge it positively.


 Unfortunately, I would have to say you’re right, along with these other problems.





As you read through the list of common problems, I’m sure you’re thinking that these problems exist in every ccountry, and you are absolutely right. <List some of the problems you've seen in your local community> People try so many things to fill the emptiness they feel in their lives.


Communicate possible reasons for problems. However, make sure these are factual and believable.


As a matter of fact, while I was on a mission trip...<Possibly tell a story here>


Answer to the Need




As you and I know, only a relationship with Jesus Christ can fill the void that is in each <people group>’s life. That’s why I feel very strongly and deeply about reaching out to people in <location>, to show them God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I desire to help them develop a moral foundation with the hope and joy Christ has to offer. ...<Possible short testimony or story>

  • "
  • Once you've opened your presentation, tell them about your "This is Me/Us" page in 30 seconds or less.


Two Questions You Must Answer

  1. What does this person need to know or understand? about who I am reaching, the struggles they endure, and the tangible needs that exist? (E.g., statistics, demographic info, etc.)
  2. Why should they care? about the people I'm reaching, the struggles they endure, and the tangible needs that exist? (What do those stats mean for real people living there? E.g., .)"

What do they need to know?

  • Who are you reaching? Provide information about where, how many, perhaps statistics about spiritual realities there.
  • What are the struggles they endure? What are some of the particular ways spiritual brokenness is manifest there?
  • What are their needs? What are the evident spiritual, emotional, and physical needs?

Why should they care?

  • What do those stats mean for the real people living there? E.g., illustrate the results of generational poverty, the plight of the homeless, or the tangible impact of a people who have never had a generation of believers.
  • Tell a story that illustrates these realities. This could be from your experience in that context, a story from a teammate, or from your personal experience stateside ministering to someone experiencing similar realities.


Now that you've reached the Gospel portion of your presentation, you will share with your potential partner how Jesus is the only one who can truly fulfill those needs. This is the crescendo or climax of your entire presentation, so dig in and consider: 

  1. In light of the particular brokenness and need of my context, what about Jesus is good news to them?
  2. What does the gospel offer that other solutions cannot?
  3. How does Jesus Kingdom satisfy the particular longings of your context? (Note: If you're unsure of what their longings are, look underneath the idols you see. E.g., a culture of expressive individualism might reveal a deep longing to be known and welcomed.)

Let me explain more about the organization I will be working for.
Reliant Mission
  • is the sending organization that I will be working for. Reliant partners with

  • missional churches and

  • gospel-centered non-profits by mobilizing

  • support-based workers for the Great Commission." (You can read this directly from your slide.)

  • YOU MUST SAY THE FOLLOWING: "Reliant is a registered 501(c)3 and is a part of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

Currently, Reliant has over
    • Explain what this means in simple terms. For example, "Basically, all this means is that while we are out making disciples/reaching _____
_ staff missionaries laboring in over ___ churches and ____ countries around the world.

This is the part where you will explain who Reliant is and what they do for you as an international worker. You will also introduce any other ministry organizations you're partnering with.

  • "To be a part of this mission involves partnership. Our church/ministry is involved in the <name> church network, whose mission is to <mission>. Include how your ministry meets the need in the area where you will be going, and maybe a story of someone whose life was changed by being a part of your community."

  • "Reliant





Tell a couple of facts about Reliant.

    • , Reliant is behind us acting as my employer. They act as my HR department, and they are helping make the things we do at <church> possible." If the person you're sharing with has any further questions about who Reliant is or what we do, you will give them a chance shortly to ask those questions.


Sure, people know that you're a cross-cultural worker, but what will you be doing specifically in that process?

  • "I’m often asked what am I going to be doing specifically in <location>." Share about your specific roles with the church/ministry.
    • Ex. "During my time there, I will be working to share with those who don’t know Christ and building Christians up in their walk with the Lord. I will also be studying <language>. Along with that, I will help teach English classes and Bible studies, build discipleship relationships, and be trained in overseas missions."
    •  Communicate general activities and ministry responsibilities. Possibly use a short story to help communicate the impact your role can have.



<organization/church> is… <Share who your church/organization is and what they do>
Before I go, I’ll leave you with more information about Reliant and <org/church>.Tip
  • "I know I’ve been talking for a while now
  • . I was just wondering if you had any questions about what I’ve shared so far?

STOP and see if they have questions! Now is a good time to do this so they don't get confused about anything you've said so far and are able to keep focusing on what you are going to say. Sometimes if people are confused or have questions, they are thinking about that instead of focusing on you and what you are saying.


Yes, actually, can you tell me more about...


Take time to address their questions before moving on. 





I’m often asked, ‘What are you going to be doing in <location>? As a missionary with Reliant, I plan to go to <location>. During that time, I will be working to share with those who don’t know Christ and building Christians up in their walk with the Lord. I will also be studying <language>. Along with that I will help teach English classes and Bible studies, build discipleship relationships, and be trained in overseas missions.  


 Communicate general activities and ministry responsibilities. Share your goals and passions. Possibly use a story to help communicate the impact your role can have.

  • "
  • If they have any questions, affirm the question, restate it to make sure you understand the question, and give the best possible answer.
  • It's okay if you don't know the answer to a question! Be honest. "You know, that's a great question, and I honestly don't know the answer. Is it okay with you if look into it after this meeting and get back to you later today or tomorrow with an answer?"
    • Check Solomon and/or reach out to your MTD Coach to help you find an answer.

Mr. Jones, we can’t do this alone.
  • <People group> can’t afford to support the ministry of <church/organization>

and Reliant
  • . Some can barely afford to live. We need others who believe in us and our call to reach <people group>, like those in the city of <location>."

    • Some ideas for furthering this idea of being reliant:

      • Romans 10:14 states, ‘How can they call upon Him in whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can one preach unless he is sent?’ At <church>, we’re convinced of God’s call and are willing to do our part, but we need others on our ministry team to make this ministry happen.

      • Let me give you an analogy from Exodus 17. Maybe you remember the story. Moses, Aaron, and Hur were overlooking a battle between the Amalekites and Israel. When Moses had his hands raised, Israel would begin to prevail. But when his arms dropped from being tired, Israel would start to lose. Aaron and Hur, seeing that he was weak, held Moses' arms, and ultimately Israel won.

        Who won the war? The soldiers? Moses? Aaron and Hur? It took a team working together to see victory. We see a team as a partnership that can make a difference in <location>.

Mr. Jones
  • On the circles page:

    • Keep each circle's explanation short, no more than one sentence each.

    • "<Insert name>, let me tell you how you can

help and
    • be part of the team.

As I mentioned during our phone call, there are four
    • There are three ways we have often received help in our

ministry. Some people are in a position to volunteer time, either directly in
    • ministry

or by assisting behind the scenes
    • .

Secondly, we
      • We need true intercessors who will commit to praying regularly for Reliant, <organization/church,> and our ministry in <location>.

      • Another way

we’ve been helped is, just as Mr. Smith suggested I get in touch with you thinking you might share our concern for <location>, there may be
      • you can help is by connecting me to others you know who would love to hear about our ministry.

      • Lastly, a regular way we’ve been helped is through the generous giving of others.

I’d like to ask you to consider giving to Reliant to partner with us in this way.
      • If you don't mind, I'd like to share with you about that now.


After you've asked for questions, you will lead into your various asks.

  • "Thanks so much for your questions/listening to what God is doing. I am so excited to be a part of this ministry... <Cast vision one last time before asking for partnership>
    • Ex. "Just like we were able to see a change in Dietrich's life through our missions trip, we want to be there for the thousands others like Dietrich who need to hear the good news of Jesus in <city>."
  • On the "I am Reliant" page: "But <insert name>, we can’t do this alone. Because we are Reliant. We are Reliant on the Lord for everything. And we are Reliant on people like you to team up with us in <location> to make these things possible.


The Need for Partnership





Here it is! The big finish. You've made it this far; you can do this. We recommend reading directly from the "Here's how you can help" page because it gives you a minute to breathe, gather your thoughts, and pray before diving into the ask.

The Here's How You Can Help page (HHYCH) is the key tool to introduce the financial ask.

  • The page is carefully worded and should be followed nearly exactly — to be read word-for-word at the end of your presentation. If you prepare and practice adequately, you will be able to present Reliant’s financial needs in a natural and conversational manner while sticking closely to the text.
  • The HHYCH page allows donors to see how giving works and is designed to focus on our biggest need: regular, monthly giving.
  • "I'm actually just going to read this directly from the page because Reliant has done a really good job of wording it."
    • Read the entire left-hand side and continue reading the right-hand side "I am reliant on God to provide ministry team members who will make monthly investments in the mission."
  • Now, you can stop reading and talk directly to the person you're meeting with.
    • "<Insert name> I am trusting in God to provide people who are able to give <insert range ask or specific amounts> per month. Would you join our team at one of these amounts?"

Be specific

  • We speak about specific dollar amounts or ranges in order to:
    • Share our need as concretely as possible
    • Help the potential partner see “what is normal.

Stop talking. Breathe. Pray. Pause. This pause will feel like an hour, but it's really only a few seconds. Resist any urge to say something like, "I mean, it's okay if you can't." or "I know that's a lot of money, and you just had a baby/lost your job/got married, etc." Do not give them a reason to say no when you've just spent so much time giving them every reason to say yes.



titleThey said YES!
  • Say thank you!
  • Clarify the Amount, Frequency, and Start Date
    • It is very important that you know exactly how much and how often partners plan to contribute. Miscommunication can easily happen here. Is the gift monthly? Or were they thinking quarterly or annual, or just a special gift? When would they want to start?
  • Once you have determined the amount, frequency, and start date, communicate appreciation again.

  • Briefly Explain How to Start Giving

    • Once the amount has been clarified, it is important that the new partner know how he or she can give most effectively. This should be very brief; you will address details later.

    • "Let me explain how that works. Most donors set their giving online. Reliant has a secure website that is easy to use and allows you to stop, start or change your giving at any time. Before I leave, I'll share more about how you can get started."

titleThey said Maybe

The prospective ministry partner responds, “I’d like to pray about it,” or “I’d like to talk with my spouse about it,” or something similar.

  • Say Thank You and Be Happy! Maybes often can lead to “yes” decisions, so be happy.

    • "I certainly appreciate your consideration!"

  • Set up a time to get his/her decision.

    • "For considering giving, when does it make sense for me to get back to you? Could I call you back in a few days to see what you have decided? Today is Monday; would it be enough time if I called you, let’s say, Wednesday?"

      • Most people are able to make a decision fairly quickly. Allow them enough time for a decision while staying within a timeframe where they don’t lose the urgency of the ministry's need. Sometimes this is the next day. Often it is 3-4 days.

    • Pro Tip: Suggest a time that you can call back. The prospective ministry partner may suggest another time, but you suggesting one gives you a springboard from which to set a mutually agreeable, specific time.

      • Some people may tell you they will call you. In those instances, here are some example responses that will help you keep the ball in your court:

        • "I certainly appreciate that, but I am usually either on the phone or gone. I think it would be easier for you if I gave you a call."

        • "Thanks, I appreciate that! I do tend to be hard to get a hold of, though. If we don’t connect, I’m happy to try to give you a call as well."

    • Once you have agreed on a time to call, confirm it out loud with them.

      • "I’ll look forward to talking with you around 7:30 or so Wednesday night."

    • Pro Tip: It can be helpful to allow for flexibility instead of a rigidly exact time. Remember, you have lots of calls to make!

  • Briefly Explain How to Start Giving

    • Even with a maybe, it is important to briefly explain what giving could look like.

    • "I can certainly understand you wanting time to pray about this decision that is really important. Before I leave, I will go ahead and explain how the process works if you do decide to partner with Reliant. Most people start their giving to Reliant on our website. It’s secure, easy to use, and allows you to start, stop, or change your gift at any time. Should you and your wife decide to give, I can show you how to do that."

titleThey said No

A “No” response can mean several things:

  • “No, that amount is too high” (ask for a lower amount)
  • “No, I can’t give regularly” (ask for a special gift)
  • “No, right now is a bad time” (but later might be okay)
  • “No, I have some unspoken concerns.”
  • “No, period.”

This means we must clarify! Primarily, remember to graciously ask clarifying questions to determine what their “No” means.


  • Ask for a lower monthly range.
    • If they are unable to give the monthly amount you requested, your follow-up should communicate understanding and appreciation: "I can certainly understand. I know that amount can sound high to some donors. Is there another amount that you could feel comfortable with?"
  • Ask for an Alternate Frequency

    • If they are unable to commit to something monthly: "I totally understand. Some donors can’t commit on a monthly basis but have been able to consider quarterly or annual gifts. Is that something you might consider?"

  • Ask for a Special Gift
    • "I can certainly understand. Not everyone is in a position to give on an ongoing basis. Mr. <name>, as well as the monthly expenses I’ve mentioned, special, one-time gifts will help cover less frequent financial needs of our ministry such as...<list a few special needs>.
  • Ask about the future.
    • If they are unable to give at all financially, your follow-up should communicate understanding and appreciation and seek to find out if they would be willing to consider giving in the future.
      • "I so much appreciate your consideration. Some people who can’t consider giving do have circumstances change in the future. Could it make sense for me to check back in three or six months or another time?" If the answer is “Yes,” get a general time to get back in touch. Then agree upon an appropriate time to contact him/her. "I appreciate your willingness to consider joining Reliant’s team in the future."
  • “No”…period
    • Communicate understanding and appreciation. "I can certainly understand. Thank you so much for letting me share about Reliant and this ministry with you. It’s a privilege just to be able to tell our story."

    • Ask if there are unspoken concerns. It may be appropriate to ask about unspoken concerns. Be sensitive and mention this only when appropriate.

      • "I wonder, are there any concerns you’ve had or questions I’ve left unanswered?"



Excerpt Include
Getting Connected with Others Script
Getting Connected with Others Script


Ministry Updates

This not only returns to your mention of the need for prayer but also confirms with the donor that you are not “taking money and running.” You intend to establish a relationship and report back.

Plus, some people will not be able to give financially but will want to be part of a regular prayer team or should receive updates because there is potential they will join the team in the future. Use discretion on this; it can be costly to add everyone to your print mailing list.

In today’s transitional world of communication technologies, it’s best to rely on donor preference for how to send updates. Most missionaries send their prayer letters via email but also maintain a postal mail list.

Script Example for Yes or Maybe Responses

"I send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and I’d love to include you so you and your family can pray for our ministry. Some people will even make a commitment to pray for me regularly, and I desperately need that. Which method is best for you to receive updates?"

Script Example for No Responses

"Some people haven’t been able to give on a regular basis but still have a strong interest in the ministry we’re doing and want to commit to being part of our prayer team. I typically send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and if you want to join that team, I’d be happy to include you. At the same time, I understand if this isn’t something you’re interested in at this time. What do you think?


Objectives: Communicate the various ways for partners to begin giving to Reliant

  • Show how to use the donor giving website to start, stop, or change their giving
    • Yes, with amount →"Thank you so much for committing to giving $__/month! As I said before, we can get that set up now or, if you're more comfortable, I can quickly walk you through how to set up your giving online, and you can do it on your own later today or tomorrow."
    • Maybe →"I know you said you'd like some time to check your budget/talk to your spouse/pray, but if it's alright with you, I would love to quickly run through how to set up your giving online so if you decide to financially support the ministry, you can get your giving set up."
    • No → "Thank you so much for listening to the vision of what we pray God will do through our ministry in _____. If something should change and you decide to financially support me, you can find my giving page at Reliant.org/_____."
  • Implement wrapping-up appointment principals by asking about ministry updates, praying with partners, and tying up any loose ends from their conversation as appropriate to each situation

  • Input notes about ministry partners in your donor management system after each appointment to track important details about ministry partners
  • Establish patterns and practices for following up with partners after appointments, including sending thank you notes, sending materials as necessary, and communicating appropriately
  • Send a Thank You text/email. The same day, send a brief text or e-mail that thanks them again and includes a link to the website for giving


    From: Dave C.
    Subj: Thank You Again
    Dear Mr. Jones –
    Thank you again for the meeting today! I’m so encouraged by your generosity in giving towards our ministry in <location> as we reach people with the Gospel. It makes a world of difference.
    Here’s the place to go: Reliant.org/david.johnson
    View our profile and choose “Give Now” to get started.
    In Christ Jesus


    Thank you again for the meeting today about our ministry in <location> as we reach people with the Gospel. I was encouraged by our conversation, and I appreciate the time you’ll take to consider whether you can be involved.
    If you do decide to give, here’s the place you will go. Feel free to take a look to learn more about Reliant.
    We’ll talk again next week.
    In Christ Jesus,


    Thank you again for the meeting today! It was kind of you to hear about our ministry in <location> as we reach people with the Gospel. I understand that you won’t be able to give at this time, but I do appreciate the time you spent with us.
    God bless!
    In Christ Jesus
    Dave C.
    Cool Chicago Church Plant In ministry partnership with Reliant


Financial Ask



Let me read this outloud with you...

Read the Here's How You Can Help Page