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Standard Name:Staff Levels
Scope:U.S.-based Career Field Staff
Revision Date: March 13, 2023
Last Review Date:April 26, 2023

Staff Level titles and descriptions were updated in February 2022. If you have questions about your staff level, please reach out to your program team.


Excerpt Include
Field Staff Statuses
Field Staff Statuses


MultiExcerptNameStaff Level Descriptions

LevelResponsibilities / Experience

Level 1

  • Entry-level responsibilities
  • Directly supervised in job/tasks
  • Limited decision-making ability related to budgets or church/organization direction
  • No supervisory duties of other employees
  • No experience needed

Level 2

  • Mid-level responsibility
  • Increased decision-making ability
  • Individual contributor or limited supervisory duties (volunteers or another staff member)
  • Typically at least 3 years of experience in ministry or a similar field

Level 3

  • High level of responsibility
  • Supervises other staff, leads a main ministry, and/or manages a department within the church or organization
  • Managed by the leadership team
  • Typically at least 5 years of experience in ministry or a similar field
Church or Ministry Leadership Roles (e.g., pastor, leader of a ministry or non-profit)

Level 4

  • Either a pastor or equivalent church role, director of a ministry organization, or member of the organizational leadership team
  • Provides leadership for significant functions of the church or organization
  • Supervise staff, manages budgets, and/or heads organizational initiatives
  • Responsible for financial accountability of the church or ministry organization,


Table of Contents

Missionary Staff 1

Generally entry level responsibilities with 0-4 years of ministry experience and less spiritual maturity as it relates to deacon or elder level maturity. Responsibility generally consists of leading a small group or ministry team of less than 15 people. Has limited decision making ability related to things such as budgets, church or ministry direction, and has direct management and supervision in their job and tasks.

Missionary Staff 2

Mid to high level of responsibility and greater spiritual maturity as it relates to deacon or elder level maturity. May lead multiple small groups or ministry teams of 10+ people, may coach small groups or ministry leaders, or may lead a larger group of 30 or more. May be supervising other volunteers or volunteer teams of another staff member. Typically has 4+ years of significant experience in ministry and is managed and supervised by senior staff or pastoral team.


Missionary Staff 3

High level of responsibility and meets the qualifications of a deacon. Coaches other leaders (whether volunteers or teams). Typically supervises other staff or leads a main ministry/department within the church/ministry. Typically has 7+ years of growing experience and is managed by the pastoral or leadership team of the ministry.

Typically commissioning is required for Missionary Staff 3 (or similar qualifications for women if the church doesn't commission women).

Pastor 1


  • whether solely or as a part of a leadership structure


  • Typically 3 years of supervisory or mid-level management experience or equivalent education or ordination
  • This is a similar level to what was previously called pastor, minister, field manager

Level 5

  • In addition to Level 4
  • Vision casts for the church or organization

Minister 1

Shares responsibility for the spiritual leadership and welfare of the church and its members as a member of leadership team. Provides leadership for and actively participates in worship, education, discipleship and evangelism for the spiritual life and growth of members. May carry financial accountability of the church as part of a leadership structure. May supervise staff or lead a significant ministry within a church as a member of the overall leadership team. Typically this is a female staff member who has been commissioned into a level of leadership similar to a Pastor in a church or ministry who does not ordain women.



Field Manager 1

Responsible for a significant department or ministry area or areas within a ministry. Typically more administrative in nature. May involve supervising staff, managing budgets and heading organizational initiatives.

Pastor 2


  • and sets the overall direction of


Minister 2

Significant leadership responsibilities either for a region or group of churches. Typically a female staff member who has been commissioned into a level of leadership similar to a Pastor 2 in a church or ministry that does not ordain women.


Field Manager 2


  • programs
  • Has responsibility for the church's or organization's staff
  • Has significant impact on the organization either financially, directionally, or due to the number of people


  • managed 
  • May represent the congregation or ministry in denominational, church network, and/or community affairs
  • May supervise or coach other pastors or leaders
  • May have significant

Pastor 3

Senior and seasoned pastor who has been a pastor a minimum of 10 years, has either been involved with several church plants or coaches several pastors or churches within a network or group of churches.


Minister 3


  • leadership responsibilities either for a region or group of churches


  • or ministries
  • May be responsible

Field Manager 3


  • for several departments or ministry areas


  • Typically 5-10 years of experience in a leadership (Level 4) role

Level 6

  • In addition to Level 5
  • Leads a large, multi-faceted


Field Director


  • ministry, a group of churches, or a region


  • May be on church network boards or provide oversight for groups of churches in other ways
  • Typically 5-10 years of experience in a senior leadership (Level 5) role

Other Staff Levels


Intern 1 (1-4 months -




Typically a student or someone with little to no work/ministry experience who is doing a short-term ministry assignment (usually less than 12 months) to gain ministry or vocational training/experience and character.

  • Not eligible for benefits
  • Not eligible for reimbursements

Missionary Intern 2 (3-12 months)

This is typically for a student in a period of preparation and training while both the individual and the organization consider a possible longer-term commitment. They are typically interns in a specific three- to four-month ministry internship program.

Intern 2 (5-24 months - Long term)

This is for a ministry worker in Staff in a period of preparation and training while both the individual and the organization consider a long-term commitment, or staff . This can also be interns in a specific one- or two-year program. These interns may be paid at an Intern level or may be paid in proportion to long-term staff levels, depending on the nature of their ministry program, the work they are doing, their experience, education, etc.

Fully Administrative Staff

Fully Administrative

From time to time, Reliant may hire someone who will be performing only administrative tasks for a church or ministry. These employees would not be raising support and would only be supported by their local church. For these employees, the applicable federal and state employment laws would be followed.


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