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This is the page for workers covered by the Aetna insurance plan.  For employed international workers not covered on Aetna's insurance, you now have access (effective 1/1/21) to another Aetna EAP - see Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Resources for Living.

In addition to the ongoing stresses of cross-cultural ministry, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused people around the world to experience the additional stress of making regular adaptations in uncertain circumstances. Reliant is committed to proactively supporting wellness among our staff during the pandemic and beyond. Therefore, in 2021 we are highlighting a service included in the Aetna International Medical Plan: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP).



Reliant encourages all staff to proactively attend to their physical, mental, and emotional health as we work within our God-given assignment to advance God’s kingdom.  The Aetna member website is designed to serve a wide variety of industries with varying worldviews. Many of its vendors share our perspective. Thus, they welcome requests for consideration of specific needs and values. As with all information provided by outside vendors, we encourage employees and missionaries workers to use biblical discernment and filter all information through the truth of God's word as found in the scriptures. 


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titleiConnectYou App - Mobile phone App
  • When based outside of the United States, you can access your EAP through the iConnectYou app on your portable device or mobile phone.
  • This app gives you secure, confidential access to clinical counselors and work-life experts. You’ll be able to connect to a professional by phone, instant message, text (SMS), or video chat.

How to get started:
Download the “iConnectYou” app from the App Store or Google Play. Then enter

Download the app by searching for "iConnectYou" in  the app store or Google Play store.  Enter

one of the following passcodes to complete your registration.

Argentina: AetnaArt





Austria: AetnaAustria

Bahamas: AetnaBah

Bangladesh: AetnaBan

Barbados: AetnaBar

Belize: AetnaBel

Bolivia: AetnaBol

Bosnia: AetnaBos

Brazil: AetnaBra

Cambodia: AetnaCam

Canada: AetnaCan

Cayman Islands: AetnaCay

Chile: AetnaChile

China: AetnaChi

Colombia: AetnaCol

Costa Rica: AetnaCos

Denmark: AetnaDen

Dominican Republic

: AetnaDom
• Dubai

: AetnaDR

Democratic Republic of Congo:

United Arab Emirates: AetnaDub




El Salvador: AetnaEls

Ethiopia: AetnaEth

Finland: AetnaFin

France: AetnaFra


: AetnaGer

: AetnaGerm

Greece: AetnaGre

Guam: AetnaGuam

Guatemala: AetnaGua

Guyana: AetnaGuy

Haiti: AetnaHai

Honduras: AetnaHon
• Hong Kong: AetnaHK

Indonesia: AetnaIndo

India: AetnaInd

Italy: AetnaIta

Iraq: AetnaIraq

Jamaica: AetnaJam

Japan: AetnaJap

Kosovo: AetnaKos

Lebanon: AetnaLeb

Madagascar: AetnaMad

Malaysia: AetnaMal

Mexico: AetnaMex

Monaco: AetnaMon

Netherlands: AetnaNeth


: AetnaNic•

: AetnaNic

Norway: AetnaNor

Panama: AetnaPan

Paraguay: AetnaPar

Peru: AetnaPeru

Philippines: AetnaPhi

Qatar: AetnaQat

Rwanda: AetnaRwa

Singapore: AetnaSng


South Africa:



South Africa: AetnaSoA

South Korea: AetnaSKor

Spain: AetnaSpa

Suriname: AetnaSuri

Switzerland: AetnaSwi

Thailand: AetnaThai

Trinidad and Tobago: AetnaTrTo

United Kingdom: AetnaUK


Uraguay: AetnaUru

Venezuela: AetnaVen

Vietnam: AetnaVie

Yem en: AetnaYem

The following services are covered under the EAP:


Additional Resources:

View file
nameAetna EAP Flyer22-Americas-0160_EAP_flyer_English_FINAL.pdf