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titleSample Letter/Email

SUBJECT: A Holiday Challenge: Help Our Family Start The Year Well

The Christmas Season is one of continual opportunities, activities, and prayers.  We look forward to updating you in the days to come with all the news from this month. In the meantime, we are reaching out with an invitation to join hands with us in overcoming a challenge.

Praise the Lord, we are stable and secure in our month-to-month finances!  However, we are still lacking the $8,000 needed to refill our account from the expenses incurred this summer during our relocation and start of school.  In the next two months, we will need these funds to pay for things like language school tuition, annual government fees, and doctors visits. 

During this season of giving, would you make a one-time gift to help us meet this goal?  

Help Now! (Button with link to include giving)

Anticipation is building for what the Lord will do in 2022and we are trusting Him to provide the finances needed to continue laboring in His name.  Thank you for joining hands with our family, thank you for helping us serve the people of Japan. You are a part of this ministry and we could not do it without you!

Merry Christmas!

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titleSample Letter/Email #2

Subject: A Worthy Investment

As most of you know, our ministry is almost entirely funded by the generous donations of people who want to see the Gospel go forward on college campuses. To date, we're at nearly 90% of our monthly goal. Each and every day I am grateful for all of you who generously and sacrificially give of your resources to make this possible. From the bottom of our heart, thank you. I hope you can see that we're stewarding your gifts well and that they are making an impact for the kingdom of God.

I'd like to ask you to prayerfully consider making an end-of-the-year gift to our ministry. We are looking to raise a total of $4,000 by the end of this year to help us continue to do ministry full time. 

Please allow me to offer three reasons why this is a worthy investment:

  1. We're making an impact. Each week, more than 120 college students are impacted by our ministry. They're coming to faith, joining community groups, reaching out, and developing as leaders.
  2. There's a ripple effect. The students we minister to here go on to have families, work at engineering firms, open dentist offices, etc. These students are taking the good news of Jesus with them across the globe when they leave.
  3. There's more to be done. The Louisville-metro area is home to more than 50,000 college students. Even if you combine all of the evangelical campus ministries, at best we're only engaging 5% of them. These students need to hear that they are deeply loved by Jesus. Your giving creates opportunities to do that.

Would you consider giving a onetime gift of $200, $500, $1,000 to help aid us in this mission? All gifts are tax-deductible. To count for the 2021 fiscal year, they must be made online by December 31st or postmarked by that day. You can give here: reliant.org/Jenni.Saniuk. I will be following up with each of you over the next month to see how the Lord has led you in this opportunity. 

With Love,

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titleSample Phone Ask/ Follow Up

Hi! This is ___. It’s so good to catch you on the phone! I wanted to thank you for how you’ve ministered to me this past year. Your giving has not only empowered me to share Christ with university students, but it’s been such an encouragement to me personally to know we're walking this journey together. Thank you. I’m so glad to be doing this work with you.

Not sure if you’ve had a chance to read the letter/card I mailed you, but I wanted to see if you’ve been able to pray about a (year-end gift to the ministry [or] increasing your ministry giving). [*Give them a chance to say they haven’t read it or prayed about it yet. This is ok (and normal).]

I just love how the end of the year provides a great time to reflect over the past 12 months and seek the Lord for what He would have us do in the new year. This past year you've [given faithfully each month / haven't yet had the opportunity to give/ sowed into this ministry...] For the coming year, would you [increase your monthly giving by $10$__/ Be a $1,000 $_____ special gift anchor partner/ introduce me to 10 new people you think might be blessed to hear about this ministry…]. partner…]. These amounts could be a great question to put before the Lord, so you have that confidence behind the numbers. Over the next day or so, would you ask the Lord how He might have you participate?

[wait for a response] Thank you for joining me in prayer. I’d like to get back in touch with you this week to see if the Lord's brought you to a decision about [giving challenge]. Is tomorrow too soon? [wait for a response/ settle on a day to call back]

(optional) Great, I’ll do that. I’d really love to know how I can be praying for you during this time. Do you have a few minutes to catch me up on what’s been going on in your life?

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titleText Follow Up Script

Hi [Donor]! Happy Holiday Season! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. I am following up on the letter/email I sent about end of year giving. We have been so blessed this year by the love and generosity of our support team, and we are so close to reaching our goal. Would you be willing to give a special gift during the holiday season? 


[If Yes or Maybe] Thank you so much for even considering! We are blessed by you. Here is my giving link for your convenience: [INCLUDE YOUR LINK] I will check back in a couple of days to see if you have any questions. Many blessings to you!

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titleSample Letter/Email #2

Subject: A Worthy Investment

As most of you know, our ministry is almost entirely funded by the generous donations of people who want to see the Gospel go forward on college campuses. To date, we're at nearly 90% of our monthly goal. Each and every day I am grateful for all of you who generously and sacrificially give of your resources to make this possible. From the bottom of our heart, thank you. I hope you can see that we're stewarding your gifts well and that they are making an impact for the kingdom of God.

I'd like to ask you to prayerfully consider making an end-of-the-year gift to our ministry. We are looking to raise a total of $4,000 by the end of this year to help us continue to do ministry full time. 

Please allow me to offer three reasons why this is a worthy investment:

  1. We're making an impact. Each week, more than 120 college students are impacted by our ministry. They're coming to faith, joining community groups, reaching out, and developing as leaders.
  2. There's a ripple effect. The students we minister to here go on to have families, work at engineering firms, open dentist offices, etc. These students are taking the good news of Jesus with them across the globe when they leave.
  3. There's more to be done. The Louisville-metro area is home to more than 50,000 college students. Even if you combine all of the evangelical campus ministries, at best we're only engaging 5% of them. These students need to hear that they are deeply loved by Jesus. Your giving creates opportunities to do that.

Would you consider giving a onetime gift of $200, $500, $1,000 to help aid us in this mission? All gifts are tax-deductible. To count for the 2021 fiscal year, they must be made online by December 31st or postmarked by that day. You can give here: reliant.org/Jenni.Saniuk. I will be following up with each of you over the next month to see how the Lord has led you in this opportunity. 

With Love,