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This insurance info page is for stateside events.  For international event insurance info click here.  

Excerpt Include
Event Incidents and Insurance
Event Incidents and Insurance

Event Liability


Insurance and Excess Medical Coverage 

We now have to buy separate liability insurance policies for each special event administrated by Reliant.   

It is the responsibility of the Special Events Coordinator to let Dave Meldrum-Green know the following information of the event at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the event, for purchasing insurance:

  • The total number of people (a close estimation is fine) attending each event (both participants and Reliant missionary) and the dates of the event.
  • Exact dates of the event
  • Address where the event will take place (i.e., address of YMCA camp, etc.)
  • Total number of Reliant missionaries/interns

Once the total number of people attending the event (participants and Reliant missionary) and other information have been sent to Dave Meldrum-Green he will get the quote for liability insurance.  Dave will send back the insurance quote to the Special Events Coordinator to send to each individual event director for budgeting purposes. 

In If the event is sponsored by a particular church then the church will be added as additionally insured. In the case of Collegiate events (pastor/staff conference and LT), Collegiate Church Network will be added as an additional insured to the insurance policy Reliant is purchasing for the specific event.   


Event Auto Liability Insurance  (for Reliant missionary)

Due to the fact that a higher than normal risk exists with Reliant missionary driving all across the country to Collegiate LT events, the general Collegiate LT Event Administration Fund (FD1405) is charged a small percentage of Reliant auto liability costs (10% of our auto liability insurance) for all Collegiate events. Each event not sponsored by Collegiate where a similar such risk exists for Reliant, will be discussed on a case by case basis to see if a similar percentage charge will be accessed due to the amount of auto liability risk they bring with Reliant missionary traveling to the event. 



Collegiate Adirondack LT liability insurance quotes:

2014- $1,102.02

2015- $1,351.50

2016 - $1,250 (estimated)


Collegiate Colorado LT liability insurance quotes:

2014- $3,763.90

2015- $3,612.76

2016- $3,400 (estimated)


Collegiate Staff Conference liability insurance quotes:

2014- $501

2015- insurance was not bought- oversight due to the newness of buying each event their own insurance (you will see a few payments of $41/mo found in 1405 for insurance which was last year's $501 for staff conference divided into 12 months and ending this April- it was for 1370 insurance even though it was entered as 1405)  

2016- $513.40


Collegiate Pastor Conference liability insurance quotes:

This event is not administrated by Reliant in any way. It is completely handled and administrated by Collegiate themselves. Reliant has offered to assist with purchasing liability insurance, but Collegiate leadership has opted to not buy any liability insurance for this event. 


Total for auto liability insurance charged to FD1405 for all Collegiate events exposure: 

2014- $2,200

2015- it's about $125/month on average right now so it's looking like around $1,600 total 


Email sent to Collegiate Leadership in August 2014:

In 2014, we had a very very large increase compared to years past in event insurance cost.  (Mainly due to a change of insurance providers and a misquote from 2013 that gave us a huge discount that we were unaware of until we received the new higher quote for 2014 in April).  In 2013, the 1405 fund was charged $2,385 total for insurance (specifically for general liability and auto policy for all 1405 domestic events-this had included pastor missionary, ignite, and domestic LTs) and no insurance cost was directly charged to the individual LTs.  This is because under prior insurance policies we were able to put all the LTs into the events liability insurance package. 


In 2016, exclusions were added to our insurance policy.  Due to the fact that we are no longer insured for these specific activities, we have to ask that they not be included as part of the program (which would include project days, main sessions, life groups, discipleship meetings, etc.).  Reliant staff does not dictate or oversee the activities that students and event staff may engage in during their own personal free time outside of the program.  Thus, this directive does not apply to activities that students and staff may choose to engage in of their own accord during their free time and that are not in any way associated with the program or directed by Reliant staff or event leaders. 

Here is the list of excluded non-insured events that may not be part of the official program:

  • Water Tubing (NOTE: This only means tubing from a boat.  All other tubing activities like the YMCA – Winter Park example are covered. )
  • Water Skiing
  • Rafting
  • Boat Tours (NOTE: Sightseeing activities taken on vessel or watercraft).
  • Ropes Course 
  • Riflery
  • Mechanical Bull
  • Mechanical Surfboard
  • Zip-lines
  • Rock Climbing (NOTE: Rock climbing includes any type of ascent or descent with the aids of ropes and special equipment.  Hiking on trails would NOT be included in the exclusion).


Event Auto Liability Insurance  (for Reliant missionary)



Reliant needs to be notified immediately when an incident occurs. And documentation needs to begin. See Event Incidents and Insurance for details.


Organizing carpool and caravans for student drivers to a Reliant event

Due to the liability issues involved, no Reliant employee (whether full time field staff or summer intern or Reliant Associate Staff) should be involved in organizing a student caravan drive to get to a Reliant event. This should be 100% student led and organized (for liability reasons). If Reliant employees are coordinating the carpool then we (and the sponsoring church) then become held responsible for everything that happens to that participant as they travel to the event.

Our liability insurance for students begins once they arrive at the program. Therefore, if a missionary or intern were to arrange the driving caravan/carpool it would assume that Reliant and the church or network involved is having the drive be part of our leadership over site for the program and we could be liable for any wrecks, etc. along the way. We do not want to include this liability risk in our liability insurance as that would dramatically increase the cost if we were to include the travel as part of the coverage. Therefore, driving to Reliant programs and events should be completely arranged by the students.  



In 2005 there was a wreck on the way to Orlando, Leadership Training and Reliant was involved in a law suit  The student flipped their car because they feel asleep at the wheel. The parents of the student who was hurt in the process sued Reliant and the church that the participant came from for the cost of their medical bills. Because of this a Reliant employee (missionary or intern) can not be involved in the carpool process b/c Reliant and the church (and network) can be sued if a Reliant employee is involved. If we say it was totally participant lead then Reliant/church is not responsible until they arrive at the event.


Due to the fact that a higher than normal risk exists with Reliant missionary driving all across the country to Collegiate LT events, the general Collegiate LT Event Administration Fund (FD1405) is charged a small percentage of Reliant auto liability costs (10% of our auto liability insurance) for all Collegiate events to cover liability for Reliant employees. Each event not sponsored by Collegiate where a similar such risk exists for Reliant, will be discussed on a case by case basis to see if a similar percentage charge will be accessed due to the amount of auto liability risk they bring with Reliant missionary traveling to the event. 



However, beginning 2015 the individual LTs will need to include the cost of insurance into their individual budgets.  Unfortunately we will not know the cost of insurance for next year until next spring, so for budgeting purposes for insurance cost for next summer we suggest budgeting at least the cost of this year with knowing that there is always a possibility the cost will go up.  Because we now have to move to purchasing individual specific liability insurance per program, there will not be a need to budget overall general liability costs into 1405 so only the auto liability costs will need to budgeted into 1405 for 2015. (FYI- Last year’s auto liability cost for all events was $2,200.)

So in conclusion….

We did not go into this current year knowing that our events all needed individual insurance policies.  This came about in May of this year.  Reliant is absorbing much of the increased insurance cost for this year.   For 2015, rather than 1405 having a general liability insurance cost for all events, each event will have its own insurance policy and associated cost of that policy will be billed to each event and 1405 will only be paying for auto liability costs for events.