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This document is aimed at staff already taking advantage of Tntconnect, and who have existing data in their local  Tntconnect database.  If you have never used Tntconnect, please refer to the New  Tntconnect User document. If you did not download this file from Reliant's  Tntconnect DataSync page close it now and go grab the latest version. You don't want to follow instructions in and old file and take a chance that we've updated something important! https://wwwtoolbox.gcmappreliant.net/staffnetorg/mtd/datasync.aspx

Backup your existing  Tntconnect database!


  1. Go to the current  Tntconnect page on staffnetToolbox.  If you aren't logged in to staffnet already in already it will take you to the login page first.

  2. Click on the “ Tntconnect DataSync Download File” button to download your personal  Tntconnect DataSync file. This file is created the moment you click the button and is a personalized data file for you. It will always have the most up to date data on gifts and donors that Reliant has.

  3. Before we do the import,  Tntconnect allows you to setup automatic tasks for newly inputted data. We do not recommend allowing automatic tasks for your first import. I f you do not turn this off,  Tntconnect will create tasks for all gifts you've ever received.  This could create thousands of tasks related to the donors and gifts you will be importing from Reliant. If you specifically want to have tasks created for all your Reliant imported gifts, then skip to step 4.   If however, you would not like to have tasks created for all your Reliant imported gifts, you can temporarily disable automatic task creation in  Tntconnect as follows: Select Tools in the top menu bar, and click on “Options” [Figure 1]. In the Options dialog, select the “Gifts” tag and uncheck the “Enable Automatic Actions for New Gifts” option [Figure 2].



    Figure 1 – Tools > Options



    Figure 2 – Automatic Actions for New Gift

  4. Let's import the file!  If your  Tntconnect installation was associated with .tntmpd file types, you can simply double click the downloaded file. Otherwise, in the  Tntconnect program, click on Tools (in the top menu bar) and select “Address and Gift Import from File,” and browse to your downloaded file [Figure 3].

    Figure 3 – Address and Gift Input from File

  5. You might be prompted to find the matching country from a drop down. Select the correct option and click “OK” [Figure 4].

    Figure 4 – Find Country Window

  6.  Tntconnect will analyze the DataSync file and present you with a summary view [Figure 5] which highlights the number of contacts that will be added to your  Tntconnect database, the gifts associated with those contacts, the total amount of those gifts, and the dates of the oldest and most recent gifts.  To sync Reliant data with your existing data, make sure you check the “Try to match new accounts with existing contacts” option. Click "Next" to dive in!

    Figure 5 – DataSync Summary


  1.  Tntconnect will now present you with a screen to try and match the Reliant contact with your existing contacts. You will be presented with the screen for each donor in your Reliant DataSync file.  This is a lengthy process, but you only have to do it once!


    All fields blank to see full donor listNow, let's pause here a minute, because this is the tricky part.  The way Reliant records donors is legally tied in to the name by which they donated.  Here are a few different scenarios that can cause issues:

    • With a married couple
      • The husband might mail a check with just his name on it, and later the wife mails a check with just her name on it.  These are two distinct donors according to Reliant.
      • A wife may have checks labeled "Jane and John Doe" while a husband's checks may say "John and Jane Doe".   These are two distinct donors according to Reliant.
      • One member of the couple may have died, or the couple may not be divorced. You may see these donors as "John and Jane Doe" and "Jane Doe".   These are two distinct donors according to Reliant.
    • With a Business
      • If a donor gives through their business, Reliant will have their business as a donor. If they also give personally it is considered a separate donor.

    The DataSync will prompt you for each donor that Reliant has recorded.  The point in mentioning this is that many people would have these related donors as a single contact in Tntconnect.  It is up to you to decide if you want the contacts listed separately (like Reliant) or if you want to combine them into a single  Tntconnect contact.  You can do it either way, but you need to remember that if you combine them in TntMPD, they will not match what you see on staffnetToolbox. You might ask your MTD coach what they think you should do.  Tntconnect will kindly show you when there are multiple donors associated with a single  Tntconnect contact (you'll see this toward the end of these instructions).  If, however, you would like to have everything identical to Reliant's records, you should head to http://www.gcmstaff.net and go to MTD > Donors.  From the donors page select "All Dates" in the "By Giving" drop down box.  This will then give you a list of all donors who have ever given to the account you are responsible for.  This list will match the list in the DataSync file, so you can use it as a guide when  Tntconnect prompts you for each donor individually. Without it you may not realize that you are combining donors into a single contact until later.

    Ok, moving on. After clicking "Next" a while back on the DataSync summary window a new window pops up.  This will actually be one of two windows, either the "Confirm Match" window [Figure 6] or the "Find [Contact]" window [Figure 7]. The "Confirm Match" window [Figure 6] will contain a list of contacts that have information (name, address, etc) similar to the new contact. If the contact already exists, then select the correct match and press the “Yes” button. Otherwise, click on “No Match,” and  Tntconnect will add them as a new contact in the next step.  If  Tntconnect cannot find a close match, it will present you with the "Find [Contact]" window [Figure 7] showing a full list of your contacts to choose from. If there is not a match click "No Match" and  Tntconnect will add them as a new contact in the next step.



    Figure 6 – Confirm Match Window



    Figure 7 - Find "Contact" Window


  2. When matching donors to contacts is complete, you will have the opportunity to add the Donors you selected "No Match" to earlier as contacts in  Tntconnect [Figure 8]. At this point, you have the option to uncheck any donors that you do not want to add to your  Tntconnect database at this time. By default, all contacts in the DataSync file will be imported. Click “Next” to add all your selected donors to your contact list.

    Figure 8 - Contacts to Add


  1. Ok, so, you're sync'ed, but what does that mean exactly?  Did Tntconnect just update all of your contact's contact information with Reliant's data?  The DataSync you just completed associated your  Tntconnect contact with a Reliant donor, and it did this using Reliant's donor number (RE######). If you take a look at the top right of a contact who has not been associated with a donor, you will see "No Org Account" [Figure 15]. If you click on "No Org Account" a blank contact information screen will popup [Figure 16].



    Figure 15 – No Org Account



    Figure 16 - Blank Org Info

  2. Once you have run the DataSync and a contact has been connected with a donor you will see the Reliant's donor number (RE######) instead of "No Org Account" [Figure 17a].  After a DataSync, IF there are updates from Reliant to a Donor's data,  Tntconnect will display the updateable data in red [Figure 17b & c].  Any data from Reliant that has not changed will display in Tntconnect's normal black/blue colors [Figure 12d].  When you click on Reliant's Donor Number (RE######) [Figure 17a] a window will popup showing the Donor data from Reliant [Figure 18].  For new data from Reliant,  Tntconnect will enable the buttons on this screen [Figure 18a].  If Reliant's data has not changed, these buttons will be disabled [Figure 18b].  If you click "Accept Reliant" then  Tntconnect will update the contact's data with the data from Reliant.  If you click "Keep Tntconnect", it will disregard the data from Reliant.  Once you have clicked "Keep Tntconnect" or "Accept Reliant"  Tntconnect will not show any data to update until a Donor actually updates there data with Reliant.  This means that after clicking one of these buttons, even if you change a donor's data within  Tntconnect and try to update it with Reliant's data,  Tntconnect will not activate these buttons again until a donor updates their data with Reliant.



    Figure 17 – DataSync Contact Updates


    Image RemovedImage Added

    Figure 18 - Reliant Donor Info

  3. If you happened to have had any of those extra tricky donors mentioned early on you may encounter this situation and you did decide to associate two (or more) Reliant Donors with the same  Tntconnect contact, you will notice that the contact will now show all of the Reliant Donor Numbers in the top right corner (RE#####, RE#####, etc.) [Figure 19].  If you click on either of those numbers it will bring up a similar popup as with a single association, but this time you will have access to both Reliant Donor's address and phone number info [Figure 20]. You can then click on either of the Reliant Donor Numbers to show and accept the corresponding Reliant data.




    Figure 19 – Reliant Donor Numbers


    Image RemovedImage Added

    Figure 20 - Reliant Donor Info
