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Deputized Fundraisers

Those who have been trained and authorized by GCM Reliant to solicit funds on GCM’s Reliant’s behalf are deemed deputized fundraisers.  Deputized fundraisers are most often fulltime full-time employed missionaries , but may also be part-time employed missionaries, associate staff, affiliated project fundraisers , or development officers.

Deputized fundraisers bear in mind that they are always representing Jesus Christ, their local church or ministry, and Great Commission Ministries Reliant in all situations, especially regarding those who entrust their money to the ministries of GCMReliant. GCM’s Reliant’s Code of Ethics, the ECFA’s Fundraising Standards, and GCM’s Reliant’s policies are to be regarded without exception, not only for their letter of the law, but in the spirit of the highest commitment to Christian integrity. Even the simple appearance of impropriety should be avoided.
Following specific guidelines apply to being a representative of GCM.

Dual Solicitation

Fulltime employed missionaries with GCM are generally required to direct all donors through GCM for the purposes related to the missionary’s ministry job description.
GCM understands that pastors and church staff, in their spiritual leadership roles, often will teach and encourage tithe and donations to a local church or ministry at which they are assigned. Excepting this case, any GCM fundraiser who also needs to represent an organization or agency for the purposes of fundraising must complete a dual solicitation agreement with GCM. This applies generally if a GCM staff member’s job description explicitly includes fundraising for another organization e.g. development officer duties.

Do Not Contact List

GCM Reliant publishes a list of People Who Have Requested Not people who have requested not to be Contacted by GCM Staff (available via GCM’s staff websites). GCM contacted by Reliant staff. Reliant fundraisers must refrain from contacting any person on this list for any purposes related to Ministry Team DevelopmentMTD.

Prayer Letters and Reporting to Donors

After soliciting a recurring gift for


Reliant from a donor, that fundraiser is responsible for maintaining that donor's recurring gift.  Most importantly, this includes required regular reporting on the ministry that the donor is directing funds towards.  Regular communication with donors may include


a prayer letter,


email, social media, phone calls, thank you notes, visits, etc.



prayer letters or reports are required by


Reliant as the minimum standard for donor reporting and communication. Local ministry supervisors may require more. Six to twelve contacts per donor per year is recommended for donor retention.


Reliant MTD Training covers suggested frequency for different channels.  Supervisors are responsible for monitoring the content and frequency of the prayer letters written by employees under their supervision. Supervisors must ensure that employees are adequately corresponding with donors and that the content of each letter is appropriate.

Each time a prayer letter is sent to donors, a copy must also be given to their local ministry supervisor and one sent to the


Reliant office. Employed missionaries who have neglected their communication responsibilities may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. Supervisors should report poor communication performance to



Cultivating donor relationships can also include in-person visits and other suggested connection points covered in MTD training


Reliant Web and Print Standards

Today’s world requires that we pay attention to images, logos, and quality standards as we represent


Reliant to others. Donors particularly are sensitive to shifts in meaning by logos or publications.  In order to maintain


Reliant’s trusted reputation, the following guidelines apply


Reliant Official Donor Publications


Reliant fundraisers are provided with some formal donor publications including the


We Are Reliant brochure and , the “Here’s How You Can Help” page as examples.  In any case where a


Reliant brochure or publication is provided,


Reliant fundraisers must be familiar with the contents and use of the provided materials. Fundraisers may not create their own material to substitute for


Reliant published materials without express permission from




Reliant Donor Materials Created by Fundraisers

In addition to provided materials,


Reliant missionaries will create their own printed and electronic publications for


Reliant donors, including a regular prayer letter or report.  While templates may be provided as resources, the format and content may changed at the discretion of the local ministry and missionary.  However,


Reliant must be identified on all donor


communication, including Reliant contact information. A logo should be included and conspicuously placed.


Reliant Brand and Identity Guidelines must be adhered to at all times, whether in web or print.



This does not apply to handwritten notes, specialty cards, postcards, social media, or other less formal types of written communication.




Reliant pastors and missionaries will also use a local church, church network, or ministry logo on publications such as prayer letters.  This is permitted and recommended as along as


Reliant Brand and Identity Guidelines are adhered to. Note that official donor publications (see above) still require permission before


use (e.g. a business card with a


Reliant logo and another logo is not permitted without permission, because


Reliant already provides a business card).


Reliant Direct Communications to Donors


Reliant's Gift


Services Department will aide fundraisers in the maintenance of donors by communication regarding gifts.  Check donors are sent an immediate acknowledgement (receipt and envelope for next gift) of every gift that arrives at


Reliant, typically within 24 hours.

Online Receipting

Online donors may access their receipts and records of gifts at any time using




Check donors records are also available online, provided the check donor visits our website and creates an


account that links with their donor record.

Late Gift Reminders for Check Donors

For check donors, mailed receipts serve as a reminder, using the following approximate timetable:

    • Monthly/40 days after the last gift was received
    • Bi-monthly/67 days after the last gift was received
    • Quarterly/78 days after the last gift was received
    • Semi-annually/153 days after the last gift was received
    • Annually/335 days after the last gift was received

End of Year Statements


Reliant sends paper end-of-year statements to every donor in the last tax year, regardless of the donor’s giving method. These typically are sent by January 31 of the each year.

Annual Ministry Report


Reliant provides all donors with


an online copy of


Reliant’s annual ministry report.  The AMR includes a summary of financial statements for the previous year


and is verified by the


Reliant Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Board.

Great Commission Churches (




) Pastor Contact Policy


Reliant shares a common history with a group of churches called


Great Commission Churches.


 While the organizations are legally separate and distinctly governed, the following courtesy arrangement with GCC is required


for Reliant missionaries:  Fundraisers who contact, or plan to contact, three or more people in a GCC church for the purpose of MTD must initially contact the pastor(s) of that church to explain their ministry and intentions.

This does not apply to churches not part of Great Commission Churches.

However, it is advisable to contact pastors or leaders of any church in the case where the reputation of


Reliant might be called into question by the solicitation of funds or MTD process.

Public Speaking for MTD and



From time to time, missionaries may have the opportunity to speak publicly in the course of MTD on


Reliant’s behalf. In such cases, missionaries should seek to limit the scope of their presentation to only information that is necessary for MTD. Sermons or other church worship functions are permitted provided they meet the local churches standards and fall


within Reliant’s Statement of Faith. However,


Reliant missionaries are not permitted to represent


Reliant on an unrestricted range of opinions or topics outside of those covered by training


; those requests should be directed to



On Press or News Media Representation

In the event that


a fundraiser has the opportunity to represent


Reliant publicly for a public-relations purpose that will reach a


local, regional


or national audience (e.g. radio, television news, or well-known website), the missionary should get prior approval from their ministry supervisor and




Online, Social Media and MTD


Reliant encourages missionaries to use online social media for a variety of MTD communications purposes. However, missionaries should seek to limit to the scope of their representation of


Reliant to only information that is necessary for MTD.


 Reliant missionaries are not permitted to purport to represent


Reliant on an unrestricted range of opinions or topics outside of those covered by training


; those requests should be directed to



As for representing personal matters, missionaries should be mindful that regardless of whether they are "on duty" or "off duty," their online platform always reflects on the reputation of


Reliant, their local church


or ministry and Jesus Christ.  

Alternative Methods of Fundraising

Ministry Team Development is GCM’s Reliant’s authorized method for fundraising. Other approaches do exist , but are not explicitly authorized by GCM Reliant for soliciting funds. For example, selling products as a fundraiser to contribute to a GCM Reliant ministry account is generally not permitted. Exceptions can be requested , and should be directed to GCMReliant.