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Crisis Communication Levels
Crisis Communication Levels

Specific Readiness Level To Determine Next Steps

Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2

The accident has caused death. In the event of a death of a team member, it moves to Contingency Planning: Accidental Death or Suicide

If the accident has caused Imprisonment it moves to Contingency Planning: Imprisonment or Detention of Personnel

Threats with substance or action against a team member.

Serious injury of team member or passenger.

Team member is questioned or detained by policy related to the incident.

Team member receives threats from the other party involved.

Automobile accident with Injury or fault.

Automobile accident with no injury or fault. 


Level 1: As a standard of practice, no international missionary should be living in a readiness level state of Level 1 (relaxed, unaware of surroundings, not prepared to react). Level 1 is considered US normal.

Level 2: Overseas normal readiness level. Standard overseas threat level. Situations are taken care of locally by the field team. 

Level 3: Local Field Team manages the situation, but the team informs Reliant crisis manager so that Reliant can evaluate the situation. Typically at this level, the incident is localized and on a smaller scale. Reliant would not know of the incident without the field team informing us. Reliant would like to hear that "we are fine" and be available to help evaluate the situation and provide assistance if needed.

Level 4:  Field team is mostly managing the situation, but Reliant crisis manager is now actively involved in the decision-making and helping the field team directly. 

Level 5: Crisis Management Team is stepping in to now manage the situation. This is a major crisis resulting in ongoing disruption to operations or the threat now inhibits the ability of the team to safely continue. 

Specific Readiness Level To Determine Next Steps

Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2

Steps to Reduce Probability and Consequences

  1. Practice situational awareness and communicate routinely with the Global Security Advisor(Color Codes for Situational Awareness) and follow all traffic laws
  2. Be prepared to activate other contingency plans if situations arise
  3. If additional contingencies occur, strongly consider immediate evacuation
  4. Research local laws before instituting a team and keep a working record of relevant legislation

Applicable Corporate Policies

Crisis Resolution Protocol

  • Follow all local laws for reporting the incident and repairing any damage as necessary (If applicable, The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) app has local "911" numbers you can call- See Helpful International Risk Management Resources)
  • Assess the situation and decide whether the driver and his/her family should find a safe haven (escape and evade) or stay to address the situation. If the other person has a major injury or dies, depending on the culture and retribution rules of the specific location, the driver and their family may need to evacuate immediately
  • Depending on the culture and rules of the specific location, if there is severe risk for retribution, team members other than the driver and his/her family should help the injured person
  • As soon as you are able, begin documenting and gathering information 
  • Contact Reliant to report the incident: Crisis Reporting for International Incident
  • Reliant will reach out to receive more details for their internal crisis report. Eventually, Reliant will share a communication tracking log that will serve as a way for team leaders and Shared Crisis Authority and Responsibility in Reliant Partnerships to all view communication updates between Reliant and the field team member
  • Record any injuries with Reliant who will document the victim information 
  • Contact Reliant liability insurance to report a claim for an automobile accident (or ask Reliant to do this on your behalf)-International Crisis Evacuation Assistance
  • Activate Shelter in
  • When you have time, start the Tracking Log and begin documenting all events
  • Determine the location and status of all personnel that might be affected
  • Assign personnel to investigate the incident, establish a time frame for when the reported offense occurred, and confirm their activities leading up to the incident and locations they might have visited recently. This personnel should locate and contact any witnesses that might have observed the incident and complete an Initial Crisis Report for each.
  • Establish initial contact with the Reliant Crisis Manager using the Emergency Number
  • Record any injuries using the Victim Information Form 
  • Contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate 
  • If there are any missing persons, simultaneously follow the missing persons contingency plan
  • Activate Shelter-in- Place Protocols starting with a lockdown of field this team's facilities with a mandated curfew for all personnel team members until further notice
  • If possible necessary attempt to evacuate Evacuate or relocate to places Places of refuge
  • Close the incident with a detailed report of all events and steps taken (especially if the individual was removed prior to completion of the team)
  • Refuge
  • Follow all ICMT directions and recommendationsShare a copy of your report with Reliant