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There are two types attacks to break into a password protected system by attempting to guess the password, brute-force and dictionary; these attacks are effectively useless against online systems, even if not secured properly, the latency alone makes them impractical. However, these attacks are very effective against local encrypted files (like your password database, or any other file you encrypt for privacy).

Let's compare the two attacks against our two passwords. Let's assume the attacker is using an array of modern processors that is capable of going through

Brute Force

This technique relies on trying every possible combination of characters until the correct one is guessed, hence the name brute force. If we consider a typical brute force algorithm that attempts to guess the password with the 26 characters of the English alphabet in both upper and lower case, 10 numerical digits, and 33 special characters easily found on a qwerty keyboard, we find:

  • For the password "yM&Lqg4?S": The program must guess every possible permutation starting with 1 characters and increasing until a match is found. That means it'll take a between between (6.3695419 x 10^17) + 1 and 6.0510648 x 10^19 guesses.

    Total search space: 95 + 95^2 + 95^3 + 95^4 + 95^5 + 95^6 + 95^7 + 95^8 + 95^9 = 636,954,190,679,126,495
    Assuming the attacker is using a large botnet capable of making one hundred trillion guesses per second, it would take less than 2 hours to guess this password.
    An attacker with relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware could break it in approximately two and a half months.
  • For the password "atone long pod wordy calve", despite the fact that it contains no numbers, upper case letters, or special characters:

    Total search space: 95 + 95^2 + ... + 95^26 = 2,663,234,997,260,162,196,476,097,223,547,872,948,519,727,017,017,120 
    Assuming the same large botnet, it would take the attacker approximately 8.47 thousand trillion trillion centuries to guess this password.
    An attacker with relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware would need 8.47 million trillion trillion centuries to guess it.

Dictionary Attack:

A dictionary attack aims to address the slowness of a brute force attack by taking advantage of people's tendency to use simple words as their passwords, this relies on the password consisting of a word or two, or it becomes a brute force attack. The English language is rather rich, we'll consider a medium sized "dictionary" of 450,000 words for this attack (note that the bigger the dictionary, the more likely it is to produce a successful guess, and the slower it is, the most popular password cracking dictionary contains 1,493,677,782 words).

  • The password "yM&Lqg4?S" is not susceptible to a dictionary attack, a dictionary attack will never be able to break it.
  • For the password "atone long pod wordy calve":
    Think of this password as a password 5 characters long, but being composed with an alphabet consisting of 7,777 characters (dicware dictionary + a space)
    Total search space = 45,000 + 45,000^2 + ... +45,000^5 = 1.8453223e+23
    A large botnet attack that is lucky enough to be using the same dictionary set would be able to guess this password in approximately 35 years, but it would take an attacker with off-the-shelf hardware just over 4 hundred centuries.

    Now consider doing a miner change to our password: "at0ne l0ng p0d w0rdy calve!"
    Our password is still easy to remember, but it is now no longer susceptible to this dictionary attack (remember the larger the dictionary, the slower the attack is). Furthermore, by adding an additional character ('!'), we've increased the possible number of permutations by 2.5034409 x 10^53, bringing our estimated brute force crack time to 8.04 hundred million trillion trillion centuries.


Dual Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication


Two-factor authentication is a method of confirming a user's identity with two pieces of identification (factors), to add an extra layer of security. Your password may be very well crafted, but it's only secure as long as no one else can see it. If your password becomes known to a third party, a second factor of authentication can keep your information secure. 

The basic concept of most two-factor authentication systems is to use something you know (your password) as well as something you have (fingerprint, access to a cell phone, or a secure token). Even if someone gets a hold of your password, they won't be able to access your files/accounts without also having access to your second authentication factor. 

It is recommended to always use two factor authentication when available, in today's world where attackers have more and more ways to intercept passwords, a second factor of authentication is often the only way to stop unauthorized access. 

When setting up two factor authentication, you're given the option to generate permanent recovery codes, these are to be used if you lose access to your second factor (your phone, for example). Write these codes down and store them in a secure location. If you lose access to your second factor, and you don't have a recovery code, you may not be able to regain access to your accounts. 

For software based token authentication, we recommend LastPass Authenticator (https://lastpass.com/auth/). If used in conjunction with LastPass password manager, it allows you to securely and easily backup your authentication codes in your LastPass vault, making it easy to recover access to all your accounts in case your phone gets lost or damaged. 

Anti Virus




We'll describe three types of encryption technologies/algorithms we recommend, and go into detail on how and when to utilize each. 
