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General policy: On occasion, an employee may find that personal, health, or family problems make it necessary to be absent from work. Reliant desires to support its employees in times of stress and, if possible, accommodate needs that can arise unexpectedly. Leaves of absence for limited periods of time will be permitted, in Reliant's sole discretion, depending on the reasons and circumstances that prompt such a request. Such a leave of absence must be supported by valid reasons and approved by both the local supervisor and the Reliant office. Leaves of absence are normally granted only for the reasons specified below.



UI Expand
titleMedical Leave/Family Leave

Reliant employees may be eligible for up to twelve weeks of unpaid family and medical leave every twelve months if they have been employed by Reliant for at least twelve months. Employees may be eligible for family or medical leave for the birth of a child and/or to care for the newborn child; for the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; to care for the employee's child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition. They may also be eligible for leave when the employee is unable to perform the functions of his or her position due to a serious health condition.

An employee who wishes to take leave must provide at least thirty days advance written notice to Missionary Resources of the need for family and medical leave whenever such need is foreseeable. Where the need is not foreseeable, the employee must give notice to Missionary Resources as soon as possible, normally within a day of learning of the need for leave.

During their medical leave or family leave, Reliant missionaries may be eligible for Short-Term Disability.

Please note, Reliant's Family Leave Policy is not subject to the standards and definitions set forth in the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ("FMLA").
