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Payment of wages is normally done via direct deposit on or around the 15th day of the month. For employees that have not opted to be paid via direct deposit, paychecks are mailed on or before the 15th day of the month. If the 15th day of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday, paychecks are normally deposited or mailed on the workday closest to, and prior to the 15th day of the month. Paychecks are mailed to the last address on record with Reliant. Employees bear full responsibility to ensure that the address on file with Reliant is current and accurate.



Request a Salary Advance

See Salary Advances.







Parsonage allowance, also referred to as housing allowance, is one of several special tax benefits applied to qualified ministers. This benefit permits a qualified minister to exclude from taxable income the portion of compensation, designated by the employer, as a "parsonage allowance" and actually expended by the minister for qualified housing costs.

To be eligible for a parsonage allowance, a minister must satisfy four basic requirements established by the Internal Revenue Service regulations:

  1. The individual must have "ministerial status," that is, the minister must be duly ordained, licensed, or commissioned as a minister, as defined by the IRS.
  2. The individual with ministerial status must be performing primarily "ministerial services," as defined by the IRS.
  3. The employing church or other qualifying organization must designate in advance of receipt a specific amount of the individual's compensation as a parsonage allowance.
  4. The individual, if otherwise qualified, may exclude only that portion of the designated parsonage allowance actually expended for qualified housing costs as recognized by the IRS.

It is the individual taxpayer (i.e., the employee) who must determine whether to claim an exclusion from taxable income on his or her annual tax return for a parsonage allowance, and therefore bears ultimate legal responsibility for that decision. Reliant employees who believe that they may be eligible for the parsonage allowance and wish to request that Reliant designate a portion of their annual compensation as a parsonage allowance must submit a Parsonage Request Form  to the Missionary Resources Department. Reliant employees may request further information regarding the parsonage allowance from Missionary Resources. Any materials provided by Reliant are informational only, and should not be relied upon by the employee as the basis for claiming a parsonage allowance. Employees should consult with a tax advisor before claiming the parsonage allowance exclusion.

Parsonage Review Requests

Parsonage amounts are normally set by the Reliant Management, and shall continue at that amount for future years unless and until modified by subsequent Reliant Management action. Should the employee's actual housing expenses change during an interim period, the employee may request that Reliant review the parsonage amount and designate a new amount that more accurately reflects the employee's actual housing expenses. Requests for review and re-designation of parsonage allowance must be made using Parsonage Request Form to Missionary Resources. The decision to designate a new parsonage allowance is within the sole discretion of Reliant, and any re-designation will operate only prospectively from the date of the re-designation.

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See Parsonage

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