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Great Commission MinistriesReliant

Dependent Care Assistance Plan 

Effective January 1, 2013

titleAmendment added 9/13/13

This Plan was amended to include  a % ratio of contribution participation method for any year-end balances.  An example for calculating this has been included below on this page, as well as the signed amendment.


I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 1


II. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 1

2.1. “Administrator”................................................................................................ 1

2.2. “Cafeteria Plan”................................................................................................ 1

2.3. “Code”.............................................................................................................. 1

2.4. “Company”....................................................................................................... 1

2.5. “Dependent”..................................................................................................... 1

2.6. “Dependent Care Assistance Account”............................................................ 1

2.7. “Dependent Care Expenses”............................................................................ 2

2.8. “Dependent Care Service Provider”................................................................. 2

2.9. “Effective Date”............................................................................................... 2

2.10. “Employee”..................................................................................................... 2

2.11. “Participant”................................................................................................... 2

2.12. “Plan”.............................................................................................................. 2

2.13. “Plan Year”..................................................................................................... 2


III. PARTICIPATION............................................................................................ 2

3.1. Date of Participation......................................................................................... 2

3.2. Cessation of Participation................................................................................. 2

3.3. Reinstatement of Former Participant................................................................ 3



4.1. Election Procedure............................................................................................ 3

4.2. Maximum Dependent Care Assistance............................................................. 3


V. DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE ACCOUNTS....................................... 3

5.1. Establishment of Accounts............................................................................... 3

5.2. Crediting of Accounts...................................................................................... 3

5.3. Debiting of Accounts....................................................................................... 3

5.4. Forfeiture of Accounts..................................................................................... 4


VI. PAYMENT OF DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE.................................. 4

6.1. Claims for Reimbursement............................................................................... 4

6.2. Reimbursement or Payment of Expenses......................................................... 4

6.3. Report to Participants On or Before January 31 of Each Year........................ 5


VII. TERMINATION OF PARTICIPATION....................................................... 5


VIII. ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................... 5

8.1. Plan Administrator............................................................................................ 5

8.2. Examination of Records................................................................................... 6

8.3. Reliance on Tables, etc..................................................................................... 6

8.4. Indemnification of Administrator.................................................................... 6


IX. AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN.......................................... 6

9.1. Amendment of Plan.......................................................................................... 6

9.2. Termination of Plan.......................................................................................... 6


X. MISCELLANEOUS.......................................................................................... 7

10.1. Communication to Employees........................................................................ 7

10.2. Limitation of Rights....................................................................................... 7

10.3. Benefits Solely from General Assets.............................................................. 7

10.4. Non-assignability of Rights............................................................................ 7

10.5. No Guarantee of Tax Consequences.............................................................. 7

10.6. Indemnification of Company by Participants................................................. 7

10.7 Governing Law................................................................................................ 8

Great Commission Ministries


ARTICLE I – Introduction

This Plan is intended to qualify as a dependent care assistance program under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and is to be interpreted in a manner consistent with the requirements of Section 129. The purpose of the Plan is to enable Participants to elect to receive payments or reimbursements of their dependent care expenses that are excludable from the Participants' gross income under Section 129 of the Code.


ARTICLE II – Definitions

Wherever used herein, the following terms have the following meanings unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context:

2.1. “Administrator”' means the Company or such other person or committee as may be appointed from time to time by the Company to serve at its pleasure.

2.2. “Cafeteria Plan” means the Great Commission Ministries Cafeteria Plan, effective January 1, 2013, as amended from time to time.

2.3. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. Reference to any section or subsection of the Code includes reference to any comparable or succeeding provisions of any legislation which amends, supplements or replaces such section or subsection.

2.4. “Company” means Great Commission Ministries a nonprofit corporation.

2.5. “Dependent” means any individual who is (a) a dependent of the Participant who is under the age of 13 and with respect to whom the Participant is entitled to an exemption under section 151(e) of the Code, or (b) a dependent or spouse of the Participant who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself.

2.6. “Dependent Care Assistance Account” means the account described in Article V hereof.


5.4. Forfeiture of Accounts (amended section included below).

The amount credited to a Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account for any Plan Year shall be used only to reimburse the Participant for Dependent Care Expenses incurred during such Plan Year, and only if the Participant applies for reimbursement on or before the 90th day following the close of the Plan Year. If any balance remains in the Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account for any Plan Year after all reimbursements hereunder, such balance shall not be carried over to reimburse the Participant for Dependent Care Expenses incurred during a subsequent Plan Year , and shall not be available to the Participant in any other form or manner, but shall remain the property of the Company, and the Participant shall forfeit all rights with respect to such balance.shall forfeit all rights with respect to such balance.

The Company may retain all unused amounts. At the Company’s discretion, however, the total unused amounts of all Participants may be distributed to Participants. Each participant will receive an amount equal to the total unused amount times the ratio which the amount credited to the Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account for the Plan Year bears to the total amounts credited to all Participants’ Dependent Care Assistance Accounts for the Plan Year.   


ARTICLE VI - Payment of Dependent Care Assistance

6.1. Claims for Reimbursement. A Participant who has elected to receive dependent care assistance for a Plan Year may apply to the Company for reimbursement of Dependent Care Expenses incurred by the Participant during the Plan Year by submitting an application in writing to the Company, in such form as the Company may prescribe, setting forth:

(a) the amount, date, and nature of the expense with respect to which a benefit is requested;

(b) the name of the person, organization, or entity to which the expense was or is to be paid; and

(c) such other information as the Company may from time to time require.

Such application shall be accompanied by bills, invoices, receipts, cancelled checks, or other statements showing the amounts of such expenses, together with any additional documentation which the Company may request.


6.2. Reimbursement or Payment of Expenses. The Company shall reimburse the Participant from the Participant's Dependent Care Assistance account for Dependent Care Expenses incurred during the Plan Year for which the Participant submits documentation in accordance with Section 6.1. The Company may, at its option, pay any such Dependent Care Expenses directly to the Dependent Care Service Provider in lieu of reimbursing the Participant. No reimbursement or payment under this Section 6.2. of expenses incurred during a Plan Year shall at any time exceed the balance of the Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account for the Plan Year at the time of the reimbursement or payment. If the expense reimbursement request exceeds the amount available for reimbursing expenses, the requested amount shall be paid when the balance is sufficient to pay the entire request. At the end of the plan year, the amount of any Dependent Care Expenses not reimbursed or paid as a result of the preceding sentence shall be paid to the extent of the available balance.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Plan to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its officers "hereunto duly authorized this 13th day of September, 2013.

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nameGCM Dependent Care Plan Amended on 02-03-2014.
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nameCafeteria Plan Year End Surpluses Example.xls
Great Commission Ministries