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 If it’s all right with you, I’ll go ahead and use this photo album to help communicate more about <church/ministry>, Reliant Mission, and my role with them.

 Sure that would be fine.


Sharing the Need

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Like those who were there to reach out to me, I’m excited to be part of <church/ministry> who is are reaching out to people in <location>.



As a matter of fact...<Possibly tell a story here>


Answer to the Need

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Of course, as you and I know, only a relationship with Jesus Christ can fill the void that is in each person’s life. That’s why I feel very strongly and deeply about reaching out to people in <location>, to show them God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I desire to help them develop a moral foundation with the hope and joy Christ has to offer. ...<Possible short testimony or story>



 Communicate general activities and ministry responsibilities. Possibly use a story to help communicate the impact your role can have.

The Need for Partnership

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Mr. Jones, we can’t do this alone. Most of the people we are trying to reach can barely afford to live let alone support a church financially. We need others who believe in us and our call to reach families like those in the city of <location>.

Romans 10:14 states, ‘How can they call upon Him in whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can one preach unless he is sent?’ At <church>, we’re convinced of God’s call and are willing to do our part, but we need others on our ministry team to make this ministry happen.

Let me give you an analogy from Exodus 17. Maybe you remember the story. Moses, Aaron and Hur were overlooking a battle between the Amalekites and Israel. When Moses had his hands raised Israel would begin to prevail. But when his arms dropped from being tired, Israel would start to lose. Aaron and Hur, seeing that he was weak, held Moses arms and ultimately Israel won.

Who won the war? The soldiers? Moses? Aaron and Hur? It took a team working together to see victory. We see a team as a partnership that can make a difference in <location>.

Mr. Jones, let me tell you how you can help and be part of the team.

As I mentioned during our phone call, there are four ways we have often received help in our ministry. Some people are in a position to volunteer time, either directly in ministry or by assisting behind the scenes.

Secondly, we need true intercessors who will commit to praying regularly for Reliant, <organization/church,> and our ministry in <location>.

Another way we’ve been helped is, just as Mr. Smith suggested I get in touch with you thinking you might share our concern for <location>, there may be others you know who would love to hear about our ministry.

Lastly, a regular way we’ve been helped is through the generous giving of others. I’d like to ask you to consider giving to Reliant to partner with us in this way.
