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Some quick thoughts on setting up giving by text:

  • Because you need a handful of information from your potential donor, it may be easier to get this information via a phone call, email, or even in person rather than texting back and forth trying to gather everything.
  • Assuming you are able to get all the information required for the New Promise Form on Toolbox, you will fill out the form on Toolbox , save it as a PDF, and email it to and select the Notify Gift Services button.

"Hi ____! When we met the other day, you mentioned that you would prefer to give by check rather than online. Is that still what you'd like to do? Giving online is safe and easy. It also means you don't have to remember to send in a monthly check."

No, I prefer to send in a check. I'll remember to do it.

"That's great! Thank you so much! To set up your giving, I just need to check that I have the following information from you. Can you please text me your mailing address and email address? I'll use this phone number if that's ok."

Sure, it's (614) 555-1989 and potential.donor@gmail.com. And yeah, you can use this phone number.

"Perfect! Now I just need to confirm how much you'd like to give. You said $100/month, correct?"

Yup, that's right!

"Thank you again so much for that. Even though I haven't started my ministry yet, people giving now helps build up the Reliant account through which I will receive my paycheck so that once I do start working in the ministry full-time, I will be able to receive a full paycheck. Are you able to send in your first check by the end of this week?

Yes, I should be able to do that!

"Great! You'll mail it to Reliant Mission - MTD / 11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100 / Orlando, FL / 32832. Please make the check out to 'Reliant Mission," and on the memo line, put my name and 'FD# 1234' so they know who you're giving to. I will send in your New Gift Form with the information you just gave me. Sound good?"

Yup, sounds great!

"Awesome. Shoot me a text once you've mailed your check so I can look for it on my end. I will reach out on Monday to see if you had a chance to mail in your check if I don't hear from you by then. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help with anything! And thank you again for partnering with me in this ministry. I can't wait to get started and see what God does!"
