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We have made many updates to our main support raising reporting tool, Toolbox. Here is a video describing some of those new features!


One of the websites many of you will use daily to track your MTD progress is called Toolbox. The main uses of Toolbox for a ministry worker are:


MTD ActivityHow to UseVisual

Missionaries can use this section to see a summary of their daily and weekly activity during the MTD process. Here are the definitions of the different sections:

  • Initial Connection attempts by call - any attempt to make an initial communication by phone
  • Connection attempts by text - any attempt to make an initial communication by text (this can be SMS, email, Facebook message, etc.)
  • Responses - when anyone responds to an initial communication (only count one response per person, not multiple texts)
  • Appointments set up - number of appointments set up in a given day
  • Appointments kept - number of appointments kept in a given day
  • MTD Letters Sent - number of support letters sent out in a given day (if support letters are part of your MTD strategy)
  • Connection attempts for decision - any attempt to connect with a donor about decisions on hold
  • Decision responses - a record of the decisions made by donors in a given day
  • New recurring-gift partners - number of new recurring partners added
  • New recurring gifts - dollar amount (by month) of new recurring gifts
  • New single gift partners - number of new single gift donors added
  • New single gifts - dollar amount (total) of new single gifts
  • New names gained - new connections given by donors
  • People left for initial connection - total number of names left on connection list to contact
  • Decisions on hold remaining - how many people are still considering (yes, or maybes) to give
  • Active hours worked - any MTD work that involves direct contact with donors (phone calls, appointments, call back for decisions, etc.)
  • Passive hours worked - any MTD work that does not involve direct donor contact (working on your presentation, writing MTD letters, working on prayer updates, etc).

Entry FormThis is where you will input your daily activity from the listed sections. The best practice is to log on and do an entry every day to track real patterns, but the minimum requirement is to fill this out once a week. Your coach will be using this information to help build goals for later MTD weeks. 



This last section is where you (the ministry worker) and your MTD coach and/or supervisor can think through 3 weeks ahead and create goals to work toward. These goals will appear on the MTD summary section of your dashboard so you can see how your goals compare to your real-time numbers. 

FinancialsHow to UseVisual
Account Statement

This section of toolbox allows ministry workers to see their monthly account statements. Below is what is included:

  • Giving & Fees - Includes all giving from the previous month as well as the fees pulled from the giving, such as admin
  • Payroll Expenses - This can include wages, salaries, parsonage, subsidies, medical insurance, 401k, and FICA.
  • Total Expenses and Transfers - Any transfers directly into the account from another Reliant account. 
  • Net Change - This shows the change in the account balance between payroll and giving

It will also include Account Balance and Advances

  • Balance - Shows the beginning of the month balance minus the net change to show the final account balance for the month
  • Advances - Shows the list of advances from that month

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ReimbursementsHow to UseVisual

In this section, you'll find your most recent reimbursements, deadlines, and which month's expenses are currently reimbursable. If you click the  symbol next to "current month," you can select a past month and year to see deadlines for reimbursements. There is also a link to the Expense Submission Forms and Reimbursement Policies.



Here you'll find a more detailed list of your reimbursements. There is also a filter for the fund charged, category, month covered, and various statuses. Clicking on a specific reimbursement will give you details on that reimbursement.
