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NST:Asking to Join Your Prayer Team


Ministry Updates

This not only returns to your mention of the need for prayer but also confirms with the donor that you are not “taking money and running.” You intend to establish a relationship and report back.

Plus, some people will not be able to give financially but will want to be part of a regular prayer team or should receive updates because there is potential they will join the team in the future. Use discretion on this; it can be costly to add everyone to your print mailing list.

In today’s transitional world of communication technologies, it’s best to rely on donor preference for how to send updates. Most missionaries send their prayer letters via email but also maintain a postal mail list.

Script Example for Yes or Maybe Responses

"I send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and I’d love to include you so you and your family can pray for our ministry. Some people will even make a commitment to pray for me regularly, and I desperately need that. Which method is best for you to receive updates?"

Script Example for No Responses

"Some people haven’t been able to give on a regular basis but still have a strong interest in the ministry we’re doing and want to commit to being part of our prayer team. I typically send ministry updates in the form of a regular prayer letter or email, and if you want to join that team, I’d be happy to include you. At the same time, I understand if this isn’t something you’re interested in at this time. What do you think?

Excerpt Include
NST:Asking to Join Your Prayer Team


Objectives: Communicate the various ways for partners to begin giving to Reliant

  • Show how to use the donor giving website to start, stop, or change their giving
    • Yes, with amount →"Thank you so much for committing to giving $__/month! As I said before, we can get that set up now or, if you're more comfortable, I can quickly walk you through how to set up your giving online and you can do it on your own later today or tomorrow."
    • Maybe →"I know you said you'd like some time to check your budget/talk to your spouse/pray, but if it's alright with you, I would love to quickly run through how to set up your giving online so if you decide to financially support the ministry, you can get your giving set up."
    • No → "Thank you so much for listening to the vision of what we pray God will do through our ministry at _____. If something should change and you decide to financially support me, you can find my giving page at Reliant.org/_____."
  • Implement wrapping-up appointment principals by asking about ministry updates, praying with partners, and tying up any loose ends from their conversation as appropriate to each situation
