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A Word of Encouragement

Greetings fellow traveler and welcome to the "Sabbatical Handholds" Solomon page. If you're here, you are most likely considering or requesting a sabbatical. Our hope with this document is that we could provide some "handholds" for you as you begin the process of dreaming and discerning with the Lord what your sabbatical season should be like. As you read, please keep this important thing in mind: no two sabbaticals will look exactly alike, so feel freedom to renew in your own way! During a sabbatical your "role is to rest" and as long as your accomplishing that goal you will find some modicum of success! Below you will find a collection of tips and suggestions which we hope will help you as you plan. 

Proverbs 16:9 tells us "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." During the planning and execution of your sabbatical, keep this verse in mind and be willing to surrender your plans to the Lord as He establishes you during this time of renewal and recovery. We hope and pray you sense the Lord and His Spirit during this process and we ask Jesus to guide you as you plan. God bless! 

I've Been Asked to be a Sabbatical Advisor/Coach?

First off, thank you for considering or agreeing to be a sabbatical advisor to our staff. As you can imagine, a sabbatical is a unique and powerful opportunity to hear from God. However, potential “downsides” do exist – people have experienced discouragement, loneliness, isolation, and loss of perspective. A significant part of the solution to avoid these pitfalls is a spiritual friend, and that's one of the most succinct ways to describe a sabbatical advisor. The sabbatical advisor doesn’t do much teaching or directing, rather they take the initiative to come alongside and listen, clarify, suggest, and possibly protect. A sabbatical advisor shepherds the staff through the sabbatical process, helping them achieve their God-directed goals. The content below could be helpful for you to read, so you have a sense of what our staff will be walking through. If any questions come up along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out to our liaisons below.

Overview of a Sabbatical

What is a Sabbatical?

A sabbatical is an extended time of spiritual rest, renewal, rejuvenation, reflection and refocus. It is not a vacation or Paid Time Off (PTO), nor is it only continuing education.  It is a guided process where one deliberately trusts God for the outcome as they disengage from normal ministry responsibilities and leadership involvement for study, rest, renewal and evaluation of life and ministry. This can include reading books, attending seminars, studying, writing, prayer, etc.  A sabbatical has an intended purpose and plan at the outset. This plan and purpose should be agreed upon between the local church leadership or ministry and the employee. At the conclusion of the sabbatical, individuals will be expected to give an account of their sabbatical time to both their local ministry leadership and to Reliant.

Why Offer Sabbaticals?

They're a Tool for Longevity: As many of you know, much of ministry is accomplished from the inner life, and many of the challenges and difficulties face in the field often take a toll on this inner life in unique ways. Sabbaticals provide field staff with an opportunity to stop, assess, and reflect on how their own walk with Christ is going, and provides a season of respite from the unique physical, emotional, and spiritual demands of ministry. All that to say, we have found sabbaticals to be one of the most effective tools for longevity that our staff have. Said another way, "The messenger must embody the message" and when this is no longer true, a sabbatical can be an impactful strategy for recovering the personal message of the Gospel of Jesus.

They're a Safeguard Against the Cult of Personality: Sabbaticals also offer a a safeguard against the cult of personality, because it requires key leaders and key up-front teachers to step away for an extended period of time. Pragmatically this requires pulpits to be filled, responsibilities to be covered, and information to be de-centralized. All of these things create opportunities and latitude for other leaders to step up and take on various responsibilities. And it also gives great opportunities for the congregants to be impacted by other leaders from up front. 

They Create a Helpful Leadership Vacuum: From this, Sabbaticals also create a natural leadership vacuum for younger leaders to be inspired to step up into. Multiplying skillsets into youger doesn't happen organically, and by stepping away for a season, your leadership roles can become new opportunities for excited young staff to sink their teeth into. 

There are loads more reasons to offer and take sabbaticals, but in short, they're good for the staff, and they're good for the ministry at large, and we hope by offering them, that our partner ministries will embrace and institute a rhythm of sabbatical into the lives of their organizations.


UI Text Box

“The sabbatical is going really well – amazing, really. Feeling so much more vibrant, alive, connected, rested, reflective and healthy. It’s been so good for my parenting, my marriage and my heart, mind, and body!”

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“Most refreshing season of my life and got me even more excited about jumping back in. A big takeaway is “realizing that I am wired differently than others and I don’t have to try and be like someone else, and that brings value.”

How to Communicate with Donors

  • After your sabbatical has been approved we recommend sending out a prayer letter to your ministry team that announces the sabbatical and casts vision for how they can support you through the season.
  • We suggest that this communication is sent out 2-4 weeks prior to your sabbatical starting
  • If you feel apprehensive about telling your team that you're taking an extended break from ministry that is totally understandable, but keep in mind, that a majority of your ministry team will be excited for you to have this season of rest, and if they support other ministry organizations, they will most likely know this is common practice for support-based workers.
  • There is no magic formula to this specific letter. Best practice is to be honest, be helpful, and offer handholds for how they can partner with you and pray for you during this time.
  • This prayer letter is also a unique opportunity to make a special gifts ask, so that you can have some financial flexibility in the account your responsible for to reimburse potential expenses. (Note: please see what is reimbursable
  • Once your sabbatical ends, we also encourage that you send a "recap update" and let your team know how the time went and what is next for you.

Typical Phases of a Sabbatical

The timeframe below is based on a typical "6 month" sabbatical. Depending on your circumstance your sabbatical may be a shorter length. If so, just adjust the timeframes to fit your window of time

1Release & RelinquishApprox. 3-5 months before the sabbatical begins
  • Begin process of finding people to cover your roles and responsibilities at your ministry
  • Find a sabbatical advisor/coach
  • If married, set up a date to with your spouse to dream and ideate together about the sabbatical 
  • Create a sabbatical plan
    • This is a space to expand on the ideas you wrote about in your sabbatical request form.
    • This can always be tweaked and adjusted over time


Rest & Recovery

Months 1-2

  • The official "start" of your sabbatical
  • Ministry commitments have been handed off and finished
  • Create time and space to decompress, unwind, and de-stress
  • A good guiding principal for this season is to “clear your slate completely and then gradually add things back in.”
  • The first month is often the most disorienting. Be sensitive to feelings of isolation and lack of significance.
    • These feelings are normal and should be processed with your sabbatical advisor
  • Maintain a "spirit of experimentation" as you figure out what sabbatical rhythm makes most sense for you


Reflect & RefocusMonths 3-5
  • Following the extended time of rest, you may sense some renewed energy. This is a great moment to start approaching more "active" sabbatical practices.
    • Extended times alone with God
    • Getaway to a retreat center
    • Read books of interest
    • Learn about your personal passions, interests, and strengths
      • Assessments like Meyers-Briggs, Enneagram, StrenghtsFinders and others can help you learn about yourself


Realignment and/or ReassignmentMonth 6
  • You're nearing the end of your sabbatical and will want to start looking towards what's next
  • The main question you'll want to grapple with is "what changes in life and ministry should I make as result of hearing from God in the Reflection phase?"
  • It will be important to schedule a time with your ministry supervisor/manager to talk through your future ministry roles
    • What are some major words from God regarding yourself and your future?
    • Are there roles and responsibilities you would like to add, remove, or continue in your job description? 
    • Do you want to change your ministry role and/or location?
    • If you're leaning towards ending your time in vocational and exiting staff with Reliant, please be sure to discuss with both your sabbatical advisor and your local ministry supervisor/manager during this window of time


Re-entry & Re-engagementAfter Your Sabbatical Ends
  • At the beginning of this phase, be aware that your pace of life will increase, and that transition is stressful. Expect emotional disorientation and spiritual warfare as you re-engage.
    • Resume your ministry responsibilities at about half time for the first month and take about 2-4 weeks to move from Sabbatical Pace to full time Ministry Pace.
  • Set up accountability to help with the changes you want to make in life and ministry
  • Celebrate! Have a small dinner party with friends to mark the end of this season
5bExitAfter Your Sabbatical Ends
  • If you sense God calling you to a different ministry location and/or vocational path please contact your Reliant Program Team and liaison and we'll walk you through what next steps can look like

Scaffolding for your Sabbatical

(What is scaffolding?)

Sabbatical is in many ways similar to a building renovation project. During the sabbatical, you are not tearing down the structure entirely, but rather you're rehabiliating and renovating the exisiting structure of your self. Include a picture?

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Sabbatical Advisor

  • Meets with you for a minimum of once per month, but can meet more often if so desired

  • Acts as a spiritual friend helps guard against loneliness and isolation
  • Comes alongside you to listen, clarify, suggest, and possibly protect 
  • Should be someone you trust and someone you can listen to

Sabbatical Rhythms

  • Daily Rhythms - These are sabbatical practices and spiritual disciplines that you would like to practice every day. Some examples of daily rhythms are:
    • Scripture readings
    • Scripture memorization
    • Prayer walks
    • Devotional readings
    • Light physical activity
    • Journaling
  • Weekly Rhythms - These are sabbatical practices and spiritual disciplines that may not be realistic to do every day, but you would benefit from doing somewhat regularly. Some examples of weekly rhythms are:
    • Extended times of silence and solitude
    • More intense physical activity
    • Meeting with a close friend for coffee
  • Monthly Rhythms
    • Meeting with your sabbatical advisor
    • Meeting with your sabbatical support group

Optional Sabbatical Support Group

  • They do this
  • How do I select a support group?

Goals & Objectives

  • They do this
  • How do I select a support group?

What is Reimbursable?

UI Text Box

It is highly recommended that you schedule an appointment with the Reimbursements Coordinator at reimbursements@reliant.org before making any major purchases and plans to ensure the costs will be eligible for reimbursement.

  • Reasonable expenses for travel, meals, and lodging for the employee to participate in activities in which the intent is for training, mentoring, intense study, meditation, and reflection or similar purposes
  • Meal per diem can be given for significant time away from the home. See Per Diem - U.S. for further details
  • Spousal and family travel, meals or lodging expenses must be deemed reasonable and necessary and are taxable if approved
  • Books, conferences, study courses (Reliant Education Reimbursement Program may apply)
  • Reliant sabbatical approval is required before any expenses can be reimbursed


Books and Articles

Sample Away Messages for your Email Inboxes

It is good to have an away message during this season.

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I will be out of my office, and on a Sabbatical, until (insert date).  I am trying not to respond back to most of my email during this time.  If you feel like it would be important that I read your email before (insert date), make sure to resend it with "URGENT" in the subject line. Thank you for your understanding, and prayers for renewal during this Sabbatical.

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Thank you for your email! I will be away from work emails until the end of (insert month) taking a sabbatical. If you'd like to ensure that I respond to your email, please email me again after (insert date)! 

If you are a ministry partner: 

  • with questions, concerns, need help or would like to change your giving, please reach out to gift.services@reliant.org
  • with any questions about (insert ministry name) specifically, please reach out to (insert email address)

If you are a student, previous student, or parent of a student and have a need or question, you can reach out to (insert name), our (insert title), or our (insert leadership/governance team)
First Name Last Name, Title - first.last@reliant.org
Leadership/Governance Team - email@yourministry.org

With joy, 

UI Text Box

I am currently on sabbatical and will not personally be checking email or doing my typical ministry roles until (insert date). For operational purposes, my assistant, (insert name), will monitor my inbox while I am on sabbatical to help facilitate connections with the appropriate parties.

Given an anticipated high volume of messages that will likely be difficult to respond to in a thoughtful manner, I will not be responding to any emails received during the duration of sabbatical. I value your time and giving appropriate thought to responding to you, and so I ask that you send me a new message after I return to work on (insert date).

If you have questions regarding (insert ministry), please contact our board at theboard@yourministry.org in my absence.

Grace and Peace,

Retreat Centers & Programs

We do not currently offer any official recommendations for retreat centers or programs. If you're curious about these options, please reach out to people within your network or movement that have take sabbaticals and see if they have any suggestions or recommendations.


Many thanks to the following people:

  • Bill at Navigators for sharing their Sabbatical Handbook, whoch provided much inspiration and guidance for our words above. 
  • Gaia Stanley at New Life Church for her wisdom and insights on how to sabbatical well.
  • Eugene Peterson for advocating for pastoral balance and rest during his time on earth.


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