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titleWhat is enough hours or tasks? How can I gauge what needs to be done and when I can be "off" work?

The answer to this question can often be a balance between motivation and activity level. For example, some people might work better with a big week/ slower week rhythm rather than a "same goal each week" rhythm. Feel free to adjust accordingly. Our ninja skills as coaches is to discover patterns in motivation and work ethic and leverage those natural patterns to help someone achieve their goals. 

Activity Averages for Support Raising

Hours spent on MTD

40 hrs/week


30 hrs/week


20 hrs/week


10 hrs/week
5 hrs/week











Connection Attempts














Follow-up attempts







Admin time

5 hrs

20 hrs

4 hrs

16 hrs

3 hrs

12 hrs

New Partners or Increases







When your support-raiser has hit these benchmarks, encourage them to feel the freedom to be “done” with MTD for the week. Celebrate! Have them continue to respond to people texting/calling/ emailing back. But, affirm them in enjoying the work they've accomplished with the Lord’s help and taking a needed break to do something that fills their tank. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Those tank-fillers times of rest are essential to stave away burn-out.


UI Expand
titleThey're not raising support or hitting milestones.

Discover their activity patterns (Toolbox/ Coaching/ Activity Summary/ Select Missionary/ Monthly).

  • The goal is to notice their natural work rhythms and build goals accordingly. Example: Maybe they tend to have one big week of appointments, followed by two slower weeks. Go with that! Build goals for one big connection attempt week, one big follow-up week and one big appointment week. Try it for two cycles and see how it goes. Make adjustments as needed.

Build in a few motivators.

  • Sprint
    • This involves activity accomplished in a period of time, with a break scheduled in at the end of that time.
    • The goal of the sprint is to break up the work into cycles so it doesn't feel monotonous and never-ending.
    • Sprints are based on the activity the support-raiser can control (connection attempts, appointments booked, follow-up calls, etc), not on new financial gifts, which they cannot control. 
    • Sprints can be based off activity patterns (see above) or how long they think they can diligently work hard before they need a solid break (6 week sprint, 1 week off). If someone's depressed, overwhelmed or if their work capacity has been greatly diminished, you might need to dial it way down. Example: 1 day on, 1 day off. Or 1/2 day on, 1/2 day off. 

  • Fabulous Prize
    • This involves a financial goal and the prize they win when they hit it.
    • Prizes are based on new financial giving .
      Why? Because because because as more money comes in, they have the means to buy that fabulous prize.
    • This can include new support, increases in current support or new special gifts. Decide together with the support-raiser. Example: A couple discovered the wife was better at getting new support and the husband better at asking for increases/ special gifts. They made it into a contest and, whoever raised the most in a period of time, got the grand prize. This played off their strengths and the contest proved to be an excellent motivator to them both! 
    • Encourage prizes that will be bucket-fillers.
      Examples: A massage, fun day of go-karting with the kids, new rug/ chair/ tech, date night at the fancy new restaurant, manicure, day at the beach or lake with ice cream, etc. 
    • Start small. 
      Example: If a couple has to raise $2,000 in new giving, encourage a prize once they reach $250 in new giving. Yes, they still have a long way to go, but the $250 prize gives them a "win" which increases motivation to keep going. As coaches, we're looking for ways to blow motivational wind into their sails so they keep going vs stall out in the middle of the open ocean. 

  • Ask what stats they think would be helpful to track/ share with you. 
    MPDx has a feature which allows the support-raiser to share their data with you. Check it out

Double-check that your milestones are on-track.

Clarify expectations.
